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没有边缘的节点的GraphViz Dot布局

[英]GraphViz Dot layout of nodes without an edge

I'm calculating quite big layouts with the GraphViz dot layout. 我正在使用GraphViz点布局来计算相当大的布局。 My source structure is a graph where some nodes are connected and others not. 我的源代码结构是一个图,其中某些节点已连接,而其他节点未连接。 The layout for the connected nodes is perfect, but dot alignes all other nodes in a straight row, which leads to a quite huge length of the output. 连接的节点的布局是完美的,但是点将所有其他节点排成一条直线,这导致输出的长度很大。 Is there any change to get rid of this? 有什么要摆脱的变化吗?

There is a program called unflatten in the Graphviz suite that can be used for this. Graphviz套件中有一个名为unflatten的程序可用于此目的。 An example of usage: 用法示例:

unflatten -c 2 graph.dot | dot -Tpng -o graph.png

where you tell unflatten to chain disconnected nodes up to a length of 2. This will create invisible edges that prevent the nodes from being lined up as you describe. 在这里,您告诉unflatten将不连续的节点链接起来,最大长度为2。这将创建不可见的边缘,从而防止节点按照您的描述对齐。 For more details, see the documentation . 有关更多详细信息,请参见文档

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