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[英]C# MVC: How extract values from XML and pass to view

I have a C# MVC application which I need to output the following data to a view: 我有一个C#MVC应用程序,需要将以下数据输出到视图:

              <factory name="Demme" url="http://test1.com" thumbnail="http://test3.com/img1" interval="10" />
              <factory name="Vollick" url="http://test2.com" thumbnail="http://test3.com/img1" interval="10" />
              <factory name="Tony" url="http://test3.com" thumbnail="http://test3.com/img1" interval="10" />

The above data comes from a SQL table/column which stores the data as a XML data type. 上面的数据来自一个SQL表/列,该表将数据存储为XML数据类型。 Can somone give me a code example to extract the values of the elements(maybe assign each value to variable) so I can pass it to a view? Somone可以给我一个代码示例来提取元素的值(也许将每个值分配给变量),以便将其传递给视图吗?

So I need to get the values "true" , "City", "Demme" , "http://test1.com", "http://test3.com/img1....and so on. 因此,我需要获取值“ true”,“ City”,“ Demme”,“ http://test1.com”,“ http://test3.com/img1 ....等等”。

Whats the best way to present this data to a view? 将数据呈现给视图的最佳方法是什么?

My idea is to create classes, corresponding to your Xml file, a Version class, a Factory class. 我的想法是创建与您的Xml文件相对应的类,Version类,Factory类。 Load the xml file, and then pass it to your class that return your data, here is how I do it : 加载xml文件,然后将其传递给返回您的数据的类,这是我的操作方法:

The Version class : Version类:

public class Version
    public bool IsProduct { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public List<Factory> Factories { get; set; }

    //Create a version
    public Version(XElement xVersion)
        IsProduct = Convert.ToBoolean(xVersion.Element("Product").Value);
        City = xVersion.Element("City").Value;
        Factories = Factory.GetFactories(xVersion);

    //Get the list of versions
    public static List<Version> GetVersions(XElement xDocument)
        if (xDocument == null)
            return null;

        List<Version> list = new List<Version>();
        var xVersions = xDocument.Elements("Version");

        foreach (var xVersion in xVersions)
            list.Add(new Version(xVersion));

        return list;

The Factory class : 工厂类:

public class Factory
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Url { get; set; }
    public string Thumbnail { get; set; }
    public string Interval { get; set; }

    //Create a factory
    public Factory(XElement xFactory)
        Name = xFactory.Attribute("Name").Value;
        Url = xFactory.Attribute("Url").Value;
        Thumbnail = xFactory.Attribute("Thumbnail").Value;
        Interval = xFactory.Attribute("Interval").Value;

    //Get the factories of a version
    public static List<Factory> GetFactories(XElement xVersion)
        var xFactories = xVersion.Elements("Factory");
        if (xFactories == null)
            return null;

        List<Factory> list = new List<Factory>();

        foreach (var xFactory in xFactories)
            list.Add(new Factory(xFactory));

        return list;

And last, in your MCV Controller : 最后,在您的MCV控制器中:

private void myMethod()
        var xDocument = XElement.Load("XmlFilePath");
        var versions = Version.GetVersions(xDocument);

        //And then, pass the -versions- to your typed view ^^
using System.Xml;
    List<string> values= new List<string>();    
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader ("books.xml");
    while (reader.Read()) 
           switch (reader.NodeType) 
                   while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) // Read the attributes.
         case XmlNodeType.Text: //Display the text in each element.
         case XmlNodeType. EndElement: //Display the end of the element.

Now you have a list of values. 现在您有了值列表。 Assign it to the model and then use the model to populate the view. 将其分配给模型,然后使用模型填充视图。

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