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[英]How do I edit the CSS of one blog post but not others to have a 5 Star Rating System?

I recently created my own blog using Google's Blogger. 我最近使用Google的Blogger创建了自己的博客

When I have completed reading a particular book, I have a Book's I Read Section where I would like to have a static 5 Star Rating System in place of some kind. 当我完成阅读特定书籍时,我会拥有一个书籍的“我阅读”部分 ,在这里我想拥有一个静态的5星级评分系统来代替某种形式。 Perhaps with CSS , I can target each book so I will be able to display from 1 to 5 Stars for the visitor to see. 也许使用CSS ,我可以定位每本书,因此我可以显示1到5星,以供访客查看。

I'm not sure how to edit the CSS of individual blog posts so I can target these specific read books, if that's the best method, and would like any tips in creating an image which I could specify how much of the 5 stars should be displayed (like 100% for 5 Stars, 80% for 4 Stars, 60% for 3 Stars, etc.)? 我不确定如何编辑各个博客文章的CSS ,因此,如果这是最好的方法,那么我可以针对这些特定的已读书籍,并想知道创建图像的任何技巧,我可以指定应该将5星分为多少显示(例如5星100%,4星80%,3星60%等)?

This method does NOT use JavaScript , jQuery , CSS or CSS3 . 这种方法使用JavaScript,jQuery ,CSSCSS3。

To clarify: It uses plain ASCII Code to provide the STAR requirements. 需要说明的是:它使用纯ASCII码提供STAR要求。

Solid Star: 实心星:
ASCII Code for Solid Star: ★ 实心星号的ASCII代码: ★

Outline Star: 轮廓星:
ASCII Code for Outline Star: ☆ 轮廓星的ASCII码: ☆

Live DEMO Follows ( sorry jsFiddle! ): 实时演示遵循( 对不起jsFiddle! ):

Book Title: A Trip To The Dentist 书名:牙医之旅
Book Author: Yin Pain & Lord Howard Hurts 图书作者:尹佩恩和霍华德勋爵
Star Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ 星级: ★☆☆☆☆

Book Title: Chest Pain 书名:胸痛
Book Author: I. Coffalot 图书作者: I. Coffalot
Star Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 星级: ★★☆☆☆

Book Title: Dealing With Skunks 书名:与臭鼬打交道
Book Author: Stan Back 本书作者: Stan Back
Star Rating: ★★★☆☆ 星级: ★★★☆☆

Book Title: Real Eyes Realize Real Lies 书名:真眼识真谎
Book Author: IC You 图书作者: IC You
Star Rating: ★★★★☆ 星级: ★★★★☆

Book Title: Spots On The Wall 书名:墙上的斑点
Book Author: Who Flung Poo 图书作者: Who Flung Poo
Star Rating: ★★★★★ 星级: ★★★★★

HTML markup for above: 上面的HTML标记:

Book Title: A Trip To The Dentist<br />
Book Author: Yin Pain & Lord Howard Hurts<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Chest Pain<br />
Book Author: I. Coffalot<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Dealing With Skunks<br />
Book Author: Stan Back<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Real Eyes Realize Real Lies<br />
Book Author: I.C. You<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Spots On The Wall<br />
Book Author: Who Flung Poo<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;<br />

★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★ ★☆☆☆☆★★☆☆☆★★★☆☆★★★★☆★★★★★

Optional: Use CSS font properties to change star size, color, and background to customize it! 可选:使用CSS font properties更改星形大小,颜色和背景以对其进行自定义!

You can change the CSS of a specific tag using the style attribute: 您可以使用style属性更改特定标签的CSS:

<span class="stars" style="width: 80px"></span>

The .stars class could look like this: .stars类可能如下所示:

background: url(stars.png) repeat-x;

Where stars.png is a 20px wide image, then repeated on the x dimension 4 times (80px) for 4 stars. 其中stars.png是20像素宽的图片,然后在x尺寸上重复4次(80像素)4个星。 5 stars would be 100px width, etc. 5颗星的宽度应为100px,依此类推。

The general idea above is realized in this jsFiddle Demo, complete with tutorial comments. 上面的一般想法在此jsFiddle演示中实现,并带有教程注释。

Reference: 参考:

jsFiddle Demo featuring Repeatable Star Rating CSS Demo jsFiddle演示具有可重复星级评定CSS演示

Screenshot: 屏幕截图:

Use a jQuery Star Rating Plugin . 使用jQuery Star Rating插件
See 2nd-half for CSS only method. 有关仅CSS方法,请参见第二部分。

Here's a screenshot from the jQuery Star Rating Plugin . 这是jQuery Star Rating Plugin的屏幕截图。 The Database Integration Tab has more plugin examples and you can always search for more jQuery Star Plugins HERE if you need that. Database Integration选项卡包含更多插件示例,如果需要,您可以随时在此处搜索更多jQuery Star Plugins。

Screenshot: 屏幕截图: 在此处输入图片说明

Reference: 参考:

jsFiddle Demo for jQuery Star Rating Plugin jQuery Star Rating插件的jsFiddle演示

Screenshot of jsFiddle jQuery Star Rating Demo: jsFiddle jQuery Star Rating Demo的屏幕截图:


Minimal HTML markup that the jQuery Star Rating Plugin uses ( extremely configurable ): jQuery Star Rating Plugin使用的最小HTML标记( 极其可配置 ):

<span class="bookFiveStar">
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>

Above and below are TWO very different solutions for this Answer. 上面和下面是针对此答案的两个非常不同的解决方案。

Use a Pure CSS Rating System without jQuery plugin or JavaScript. 使用没有jQuery插件或JavaScript的纯CSS评分系统
See 1st-half above for jQuery Star Rating Plugin method. 有关jQuery Star Rating Plugin方法,请参见上面的上半部分。

Reference image used was from hot-linkable imageshack.us and is shown below. 使用的参考图像来自可热链接的 imageshack.us,如下所示。
Dimensions are width:98px; 尺寸width:98px; and height:143px; height:143px; and image type is jpg . 图像类型为jpg


Reference: 参考:

jsFiddle Demo for Pure CSS Star Rating jsFiddle演示,用于纯CSS星级评定

Screenshot of jsFiddle Pure CSS Demo: jsFiddle Pure CSS演示的屏幕截图:


Minimal HTML: 最小HTML:

<div class="starsCSS">
  <img class="stars3" title="3 Stars" src="http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/6441/stars.jpg" alt="Star Rating Image" />

Complete CSS: 完整的CSS:

/* This class name configures and positions the 6 star image block. */
  /* The width of the star block uses the entire star.jpg width */
  width: 98px;
  /* The height of the star block is LIMITED to 23px, i.e. 1 star row. */
  height: 23px;
  /* This overflow:hidden will ensure only 1 row is ever seen, when aligned properly.
  /* That said, later below different classname uses margin-top negitive offset to align. */
  overflow: hidden;
  /* The placement of the star block is relative to other elements. Adjust px here. */
  position: relative;
  top: 10px;
  left: 155px;
  /* Simple light blue border is provided for the image./
  /* Your cusom star image may be a .png with transparency so remove this setting. */
  border: 2px solid DodgerBlue;

/* This CSS Selector consists of classname .starsCSS that has 'img tag'. */
/* This rule will set original image width and original image height for stars.jpg file. */
.starsCSS img{
  width: 98px;
  height: 143px;

/* These 6 classes will position the image so that only the relevant "star row" is seen for .starsCSS */
/* Technically, this first class .stars1 is not needed since nothing changes. */
/* Note stars.jpg is used full width (98px), therefore it's 1 column. */
/* Use margin-left with negative value if your custom image.jpg has 2 or more columns */
/* IF stars.jpg was double in width then "margin-left: -98px;" will hide first column */
  margin-top: 0px;
/* Reference Image: 143px height divide by 6 star rows = 23.833333px per row. */
/* Hence, star.jpg image is not perfect and it's rounded to 24px per row instead */
/* Since 1 star row is 24px high, classname .stars2 will offset that to get to next row. */
/* That said, the value needs to be negitive since entire image is shifted up (offset). */
/* The class .starsCSS will now show the second star row! */
  margin-top: -24px; /* Shift up star row 1 */
  margin-top: -48px; /* Shift up star rows 1 and 2 */
  margin-top: -72px; /* Shift 3 rows of stars out of view (24 x 3 = 72 )  */
  margin-top: -96px; /* Shift 4 rows of stars out of view */
  margin-top: -120px; /* Shift 5 rows of stars out of view */

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