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[英]Java shutdown hooks with ExecutorService

I'm running into a problem when shutting down my application that the ExecutorService has been terminated...What's a good way to deal with this? 关闭我的应用程序时,我遇到了一个问题,那就是ExecutorService已终止...解决此问题的好方法是什么?

public class TradingLock {

    private ExecutorService executorService;
    private List<TradingHaltedListener> listeners=new ArrayList<>();
    public TradingLock(ExecutorService executorService) {
        this.executorService = executorService;

    public void haltTrading(){
        for (final TradingHaltedListener listener: listeners){
            executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    public synchronized void addTradingHaltedListener(TradingHaltedListener listener){

Shutdown hook from main class: 主类的关机钩:

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
        public void run() {

I found that if I make a class that extends Thread and use that inside the addShutdownHook function that it runs with no problems. 我发现,如果我创建了一个扩展Thread的类,并在没有问题的addShutdownHook函数内使用它,则可以正常运行。

 public class ShutdownHandler extends Thread {
      public void run(){
           // do all the work to clean up before shutting down

and then just add it in the main class 然后将其添加到主类中

 Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHandler());


After reading a little more about the ExecutorService , it could be that this is receiving a shutdown or shutdownNow when the application starts to exit. 在阅读了有关ExecutorService更多信息之后,可能是在应用程序开始退出时,它正在接收shutdownshutdownNow The addShutdownHook is fired when the application begins its shutdown sequence. 当应用程序开始其关闭序列时,将触发addShutdownHook So it is possible that the ExecutorService is shutdown before your Shutdown hook is started. 因此,有可能在启动Shutdown挂钩之前关闭ExecutorService

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