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在Symfony2 / Twig中使用javascript

[英]Using javascript in Symfony2/Twig

I have a view called contact.html.twig. 我有一个名为contact.html.twig的视图。 It has a form with some textfields. 它有一个包含一些文本字段的表单。 I want to use javascript to validate that none of the fields are empty, as well as some other rules. 我想使用javascript来验证没有字段是空的,以及其他一些规则。 But I do not know where to put the .js with the definitions. 但我不知道在哪里放置.js的定义。 I do not know either how to call the .js script using the Twig notation. 我不知道如何使用Twig表示法调用.js脚本。

This is a generic answer for how to handle javascript... not specifically the validation part. 这是如何处理javascript的通用答案......而不是特别是验证部分。 The approach I use is to store individual functionality in separate JS files as plugins in the bundles Resources/public/js directory like so: 我使用的方法是将单独的功能存储在单独的JS文件中,作为bundle Resources/public/js目录中的插件,如下所示:

(function ($) {

    $.fn.userAdmin = function (options) {
        var $this = $(this);

        $this.on('click', '.delete-item', function (event) {

            // handle deleting an item...

I then include these files in my base template using assetic: 然后我使用assetic将这些文件包含在我的基本模板中:

{% javascripts
    <script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}

In my base template I have a block at the end of <body> for a $(document).ready(); 在我的基本模板中,我在<body>的末尾有一个块,用于$(document).ready();

    $(document).ready(function () {
        {% block documentReady %}{% endblock documentReady %}

Then in my page that has the "user admin" functionality I can call the userAdmin function like so: 然后在我的具有“用户管理”功能的页面中,我可以像这样调用userAdmin函数:

{% block documentReady %}
    {{ parent() }}
{% endblock documentReady %}

Isn't basic HTML5 functionality enough for your client side validation? 基本的HTML5功能不足以进行客户端验证吗? It is provided by the Form component. 它由Form组件提供。 You could also check: 你也可以检查一下:

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