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[英]Running the Jbilling source code (An ANT project)

I have downloaded the Jbilling Source code. 我已经下载了Jbilling源代码。 I imported the project in STS (eclipse) but I was unable to run it. 我将项目导入STS(eclipse)中,但无法运行。 Can anyone explain me on how to run that project and what will be the URL to access it in browser? 谁能向我解释如何运行该项目,以及在浏览器中访问该项目的URL是什么?

You can run build.xml default target. 您可以运行build.xml默认目标。 If its jbilling_22 you would need to run jar target first and then default target. 如果是jbilling_22,则需要先运行jar目标,然后再运行默认目标。 you can find the jbilling.war in src\\build\\deploy folder, copy that in to web-apps of tomcat. 您可以在src \\ build \\ deploy文件夹中找到jbilling.war,并将其复制到tomcat的Web应用程序中。 for jbilling 3, you can run as grails-app which you does not need to execute any ant target 对于jbilling 3,您可以作为grails-app运行,而无需执行任何ant目标

raher than ANT you can use Grails and run jbilling.

for ANT you can run it by blew ommand
ant test-ws
* ant test-integration

        or, execute single test classes individually

        * ant test-mediation
        * ant test-partners
        * ant test-provisioning
        * ant test-process

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