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[英]UserControl with Dependency Property inside an ItemsControl: how to Bind element of ItemSource to x:Name of UserControl?

My class IFrame can contain other IFrames: 我的IFrame类可以包含其他IFrame:

public interface IFrame
    int Id { get; }
    string Summary { get; }

    BindableCollection<IFrame> SubFrames { get; set; }

To present an IFrame, I have a custom UserControl: 为了展示一个IFrame,我有一个自定义的UserControl:

<UserControl x:Class="Views.FrameView"
         xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:Views="clr-namespace:Views"
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <Label Content="{Binding ElementName=FrameXName, Path=Id}" Width="50"/>

With codebehind: 与代码隐藏:

public partial class FrameView : UserControl
    public FrameView()

    public static DependencyProperty IdProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        "Id", typeof(int), typeof(FrameView));

    public int Id
        get { return (int) GetValue(IdProperty); }
        set { SetValue(IdProperty, value); }

And thus I can display a Frame in a FooView.xaml using: <Views:FrameView x:Name="Frame1" Width="50" Height="50"/> IF I define the following in FooViewModel.cs: public IFrame Frame1 { get { return Frames.ElementAt(1); } } 因此,我可以使用以下命令在FooView.xaml中显示框架: <Views:FrameView x:Name="Frame1" Width="50" Height="50"/> IF我在FooViewModel.cs中定义了以下内容: public IFrame Frame1 { get { return Frames.ElementAt(1); } } public IFrame Frame1 { get { return Frames.ElementAt(1); } }

My Goal: 我的目标:

I want to have a FrameView displayed for every IFrame in a collection, for example: 我想为集合中的每个IFrame显示一个FrameView,例如:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Frames}">
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                        <Views:FrameView x:Name="{Binding}" Width="50" Height="50"/>

Where public BindableCollection<IFrame> Frames is defined. 其中定义了public BindableCollection<IFrame> Frames

Unfortunately, this does not work, the compiler says MarkupExtensions are not allowed for Uid or Name property values, so '{Binding}' is not valid. 不幸的是,这是行不通的,编译器说MarkupExtensions are not allowed for Uid or Name property values, so '{Binding}' is not valid.

How can I achieve my goal? 我如何实现我的目标? Many thanks in advance. 提前谢谢了。

In your datatemplate you can replace 在您的数据模板中,您可以替换

<Views:FrameView x:Name="{Binding}" Width="50" Height="50" />


<Views:FrameView Id="{Binding Path=Id}" Width="50" Height="50" />

should work fine 应该工作正常

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