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WRT平行于WPF ParallelTimeline是什么?

[英]What is the WinRT equivalent of WPF ParallelTimeline?

I'm porting some WPF code to WinRT. 我正在将一些WPF代码移植到WinRT。 The code uses System.Windows.Media.Animation.ParallelTimeline to syncrhonize two animations. 该代码使用System.Windows.Media.Animation.ParallelTimeline来同步两个动画。 I don't see a corresponding Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.ParallelTimeline class and Ctrl + . 我没有看到相应的Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.ParallelTimeline类和Ctrl +。 doesn't find anything. 什么也没找到。 Does anyone know how to achieve a similar result in WinRT? 有谁知道如何在WinRT中获得类似的结果?


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