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[英]PHP, SPL, ArrayAccess Interface

I am trying to understand the idea behind ArrayAccess Interface, 我试图了解ArrayAccess接口背后的想法,

I dont understand what each method is about, If those methods(functions) are "built in" functions and ArrayAccess Interface(also "built in") is only "make sure" i am going to implement those "built in" methods(functions) 我不明白每种方法的含义,如果那些方法(函数)是“内置”函数,而ArrayAccess接口(也就是“内置”)只是“确保”我要实现那些“内置”方法(函数) )

I am trying to understand what does each of thoes functions is doing with our code "Behind the scenes". 我试图了解我们的代码“幕后”的各个功能在做什么。

function offsetSet($offset, $value);
function offsetGet($offset);
function offsetUnset($offset);
function offsetExists($offset);

If i understand ArrayAccess is a Built In interface that Containing seals to implement, when we implement them we only implement references to thoes built in functions, I will be happy if some one can please help me get this right. 如果我了解ArrayAccess是一个内置接口,其中包含要实现的密封,则在我们实现它们时,我们仅实现对内置函数的引用,如果有人可以帮助我实现这一目标,我将非常高兴。

If you implement that interface, then the object acts like an array. 如果实现该接口,则该对象的行为就像一个数组。 eg, if $foo is an instance of a class that implements ArrayAccess : 例如,如果$foo是实现ArrayAccess的类的实例:

$foo['bar'] = 42 calls offsetSet('bar', 42) . $foo['bar'] = 42调用offsetSet('bar', 42)

echo $foo['bar'] calls offsetGet('bar') . echo $foo['bar']调用offsetGet('bar')

unset($foo['bar']) calls offsetUnset('bar') . unset($foo['bar'])调用offsetUnset('bar')

isset($foo['bar']) calls offsetExists('bar') . isset($foo['bar'])调用offsetExists('bar')

You never explicitly call the functions offset* yourself. 您永远不会自己明确地调用函数offset *。 It happens implicitly when you access the object as an array. 当您将对象作为数组访问时,它隐式发生。

While comparing ArrayAccess to SimpleXMLElement (an internal class not implementing it), I was curious, too. 在将ArrayAccessSimpleXMLElement (内部类未实现)进行比较时,我也很好奇。 The interface is well documented in the manual already, so I wanted to highlight some differences in specific with offset types. 该接口已经在手册中进行了充分的文档说明,因此我想重点介绍一些与偏移类型有关的差异。

But first of all a boilerplate example implementation of a class implementing ArrayAccess giving output when accessed: 但首先,实现ArrayAccess的类的样板示例实现在访问时给出输出:

 * ArrayAccess Example
class ExampleArrayLikeAccess implements ArrayAccess

     * Whether a offset exists
     * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetexists.php
     * @param mixed $offset - An offset to check for.
     * @return boolean true on success or false on failure.
     * The return value will be casted to boolean if non-boolean was returned.
    public function offsetExists($offset) {
        echo "  - offsetExists(", $this->varString($offset),")\n";

     * Offset to retrieve
     * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetget.php
     * @param mixed $offset The offset to retrieve.
     * @return mixed Can return all value types.
    public function offsetGet($offset) {
        echo "  - offsetGet(", $this->varString($offset),")\n";

     * Offset to set
     * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetset.php
     * @param mixed $offset The offset to assign the value to.
     * @param mixed $value The value to set.
     * @return void
    public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
        echo "  - offsetSet(", $this->varString($offset), ", ", $this->varString($value), ")\n";

     * Offset to unset
     * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetunset.php
     * @param mixed $offset  The offset to unset.
     * @return void
    public function offsetUnset($offset) {
        echo "  - offsetUnset(", $this->varString($offset),")\n";

     * helper to give a variable dump in form of a string
    private function varString($var) {
        return trim(strtr(ob_get_clean(), ["\n" => '', "\r" => '']), ' {}');


Running some usage-examples with it. 运行一些用法示例。 I have left notes in form of comments. 我以评论形式留下了笔记。 It should be pretty self-explaining: 这应该是不言自明的:

$like = new ExampleArrayLikeAccess();

/* offsetExists */

// indexes/keys that behave similar to PHP arrays:

isset($like[1]);    # integer stay integer
# offsetExists(int(1))

isset($like['1']);  # string like an integer - converted to integer
# offsetExists(int(1))

isset($like['01']); # string unlike an integer - stays string
# offsetExists(string(2) "01")

isset($like[TRUE]); # booleans are converted to integer
# offsetExists(bool(true))

// indexes/keys that differ to PHP arrays:

isset($like[1.1]);     # a float stays a float (double)
# offsetExists(double(1.1))

isset($like[NULL]);    # NULL stays NULL
# offsetExists(NULL)

isset($like[array()]); # array stays array
# offsetExists(array(0))

isset($like[$like]);   # object stays object
# offsetExists(class SxeLikeAccess#2 (0))

/* offsetGet */

// indexes/keys behave the same as with offsetExists:
$like[1];    # offsetGet(int(1))
$like['1'];  # offsetGet(int(1))
$like['01']; # offsetGet(string(2) "01")
// ...

/* offsetSet */

$like[1] = 'value';    # index/key behaves the same as with offsetExists
# offsetSet(int(1), string(5) "value")

$like[] = 'value';     # index/key is NULL
# offsetSet(NULL, string(5) "value")

$like[NULL] = 'value'; # index/key is NULL
# offsetSet(NULL, string(5) "value")

/* offsetUnset */
unset($like[1]);       # index/key behaves the same as with offsetExists
unset($like[NULL]);    # same for NULL

Key differences to standard PHP arrays are that you can use not only integer and string as offsets. 与标准PHP数组的主要区别在于,您不仅可以使用整数和字符串作为偏移量。

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