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[英]Ajax loading progress bar with percentage

I am working with an image uploader. 我正在与图像上传器合作。 The issue is that the image uploader only shows me an ajax progress bar image but without any percentage. 问题是图像上传器仅显示一个ajax进度条图像,但没有任何百分比。

How can I implement a percentage to the code below (which is relevant to the progress bar)? 如何在下面的代码中实现一个百分比(与进度条有关)?

jQuery.itemForm.submitFormIfNotImageLoading = function(loadingTime) { jQuery.itemForm.submitFormIfNotImageLoading = function(loadingTime){

    if (jQuery.uploaderPreviewer.loadingImages()) {
      if(loadingTime > $.itemForm.loadingTimeout) {
        var settings = {
            title: $.itemForm.messages.timeoutTitle,
            message: $.itemForm.messages.timeoutMessage,
            buttons: { 'OK': function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }
      else {
        loadingTime += $.itemForm.checkingIntervalTime;
        var progressBarValue = $("#progressbar").progressbar('value')
                             + $.itemForm.progressBarInterval;
        $("#progressbar").progressbar('value', progressBarValue);
        var recursiveCall = "$.itemForm.submitFormIfNotImageLoading(" + loadingTime + ")";
        setTimeout(recursiveCall, $.itemForm.checkingIntervalTime);
    else {

function showImageLoadingMessage() {

    var options = {
        title: $.itemForm.messages.savingTitle,
        message: $.itemForm.messages.savingMessage


        value: 0

    var progressBarInterval = $.itemForm.checkingIntervalTime * 100 / $.itemForm.loadingTimeout;
    if (progressBarInterval != Number.NaN) {
        $.itemForm.progressBarInterval = Math.floor(progressBarInterval);

Actually, due to the fact that the communication is client-server without a persistent connection you can't display percentage with ajax in a non-HTML5 browser . 实际上,由于通信是没有持久连接的客户端-服务器,因此您无法非HTML5浏览器中 使用 ajax显示百分比。

You should consider (if you want to maintain the compatibility) to use some flash uploaders that should work pretty well for your needing ( this is the first that I've found) 您应该考虑(如果要保持兼容性)使用一些应该可以很好满足您需求的Flash上​​传器( 是我发现的第一个)

You can alternatively use a persistent connection method like COMET or similar, but it's hardly compatible with the older browsers anyway. 您也可以使用诸如COMET或类似方法的持久连接方法,但是无论如何它都与旧版浏览器几乎不兼容。

If you are an "open source" friendly guy, I think that it's better if you use HTML5 progress bar and an alternative without progress for people with incompatible browsers (If it's something like a jQuery plugin, you will anyway have the majority of your users that use an HTML5 browser) 如果您是一个“开放源代码”友好的人,我认为使用HTML5进度栏和不带浏览器的浏览器不兼容的情况会更好(对于像jQuery插件这样的人,无论如何您都会拥有大多数用户使用HTML5浏览器)

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