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jQuery使用$ .ajax()访问远程站点

[英]JQuery accessing remote site with $.ajax()

I broke this down to the absolute simplest code that will not work. 我将其分解为绝对不起作用的最简单的代码。 I made a simple Echo Test on my webservice that will take a string as a parameter and echo it back. 我在Web服务上做了一个简单的Echo测试,它将字符串作为参数并将其回显。 I wrote the javascript code that I've been working on in order to access this method here: 我写了我一直在努力的javascript代码,以便在这里访问此方法:

http://jsfiddle.net/stephenbayer/CaHqY/9/ http://jsfiddle.net/stephenbayer/CaHqY/9/

I really need to know, why I am getting an error, and why the only message I'm getting back is the error string "Error" from javascript. 我真的需要知道,为什么我会收到错误消息,为什么我收到的唯一消息是来自javascript的错误字符串“ Error”。 How do I fix this and get this working. 如何解决此问题并使其正常工作。

This is a web service that has been running using standard SOAP through WCF, and we had a client that requested access through javascript. 这是一个通过WCF使用标准SOAP运行的Web服务,并且我们有一个客户端请求通过javascript访问。 Sounded crazy to me, but I didn't think it would be that difficult. 对我来说听起来很疯狂,但我认为这不会那么困难。 I can not find any good clear information about getting these cross-domain calls to work at all. 我根本找不到任何有关如何使这些跨域调用正常工作的明确信息。

You can't do a Cross-Domain Call via normal AJAX due to the Same Origin Policy, you need to do a JSONP -Call for that. 由于具有相同的起源策略,您无法通过普通AJAX进行跨域调用,因此您需要执行JSONP -Call。

Perhaps you could use CORS but you need to be careful because then youmight be vulnerable to cross site scripting. 也许您可以使用CORS,但需要小心,因为那样的话,您可能会容易受到跨站点脚本的攻击。

Modern browsers prevent cross-domain requests in order to protect users from XSS attacks. 现代浏览器会阻止跨域请求,以保护用户免受XSS攻击。

To handle data coming from another domain, you need one of those 4 solutions : 要处理来自另一个域的数据,您需要以下四种解决方案之一:

  • modified headers on the xml server side xml服务器端的已修改标头
  • jsonp request and response jsonp请求和响应
  • a proxy so that your browser thinks that both domains are the same 代理,以便您的浏览器认为两个域都相同
  • relaxed protection in the browser (not possible on all of them) 浏览器中的宽松保护(并非所有浏览器都可能)

Note that the first 2 solutions involve to change the XML server. 请注意,前两个解决方案涉及更改XML服务器。

The others are right. 其他人是对的。 You have to use JSONP instead of JSON. 您必须使用JSONP而不是JSON。

But there are an alternative: 但是还有一种选择:

Instead of using the ajax direct with the other domain, use it with your own domain, creating a new webservice in your server, using php for example. 与其直接将ajax与其他域一起使用,不如将其与您自己的域一起使用,在服务器中创建新的Web服务,例如使用php。

Then, in your php ws you can call the external webservice and it will work. 然后,在您的php ws中,您可以调用外部Web服务,它将起作用。 Use file_get_contents() . 使用file_get_contents()

I use it to get addresses codes using a public server: 我使用它通过公共服务器获取地址代码:

$remote_data = @file_get_contents('http://republicavirtual.com.br/web_cep.php?formato=json&cep='.urlencode($_REQUEST['cep']));

echo $remote_data;

Your browser is stopping the request because of the same origin policy . 由于相同的原始策略,您的浏览器正在停止请求。 You can only make an xhr (ie ajax) to the domain from where the javascript was loaded. 您只能对加载javascript的域进行xhr(即ajax)。

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