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使用Process.Start运行Internet Explorer后如何关闭它?

[英]How to close Internet Explorer when it has been ran with Process.Start?

I'm have a WPF application that is starting Internet explorer (Version 9, on Win7 X64) using Process.Start method. 我有一个WPF应用程序,正在使用Process.Start方法启动Internet Explorer(Win7 X64上的版本9)。

I save the ProcessID in order to close it when the application is closed. 我保存ProcessID以便在应用程序关闭时将其关闭。 However, when the application exits, the Internet Explorer is still visible in the task manager. 但是,当应用程序退出时,Internet Explorer在任务管理器中仍然可见。

Here is the code I'm using : 这是我正在使用的代码:

public class MyClass : IDisposable
    Process _process;

    public void Go()

        ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo { 
            FileName = "iexplore.exe", 
            Arguments = "-noframemerging -private \"http://whathaveyoutried.com\"" 
        _process = Process.Start(psi);

    private void Close(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (_process != null)

    public void Dispose()
        if (_process != null)

} }

I double checked, the call to _process.Close() is actually done. 我仔细检查过,对_process.Close()的调用实际上已经完成。

What can cause this behavior? 什么会导致这种行为?

PS: I'm suspecting this is due to Internet Explorer internal. PS:我怀疑这是由于Internet Explorer内部造成的。 Running the exe won't necessary create a new process, but can use some IPC to control other instances. 运行exe不需要创建新进程,但是可以使用某些IPC来控制其他实例。 I use the -noframemerging command line argument, but it does not look to solve the issue. 我使用-noframemerging命令行参数,但是它看起来并不能解决问题。

[Edit] This is the continuation of another question I asked few days ago . [编辑]这是我几天前问的另一个问题的延续。 Actually, I'm Pinvoking SetParent function to embbed the spawned IE in my application. 实际上,我正在使用Pinvoking SetParent函数将生成的IE嵌入我的应用程序中。 I can't use the WebBrowser control because it does not support the isolation I'm looking for. 我不能使用WebBrowser控件,因为它不支持我正在寻找的隔离。 So it's OK to close IE when my app closes. 因此,当我的应用关闭时,可以关闭IE。

Every tab of Internet Explorer is a process. Internet Explorer的每个选项卡都是一个过程。 If you open IE with multiple tabs or user opens another tabs, it won't be enough to kill process. 如果您打开带有多个选项卡的IE或用户打开另一个选项卡,则不足以杀死进程。



Frees all resources belongs to _process. 释放属于_process的所有资源。 You can use _process.Kill() method instead of it. 您可以使用_process.Kill()方法代替它。

For better security and stability, IE8 uses the Loosely Coupled Internet Explorer (LCIE) architecture and runs the browser frame and tabs in separate processes. 为了获得更好的安全性和稳定性,IE8使用松耦合Internet Explorer(LCIE)架构,并在单独的进程中运行浏览器框架和选项卡。 LCIE prevents glitches and hangs from bringing down the entire browser and leads to higher performance and scalability. LCIE可以防止故障和死机导致整个浏览器崩溃,并提高性能和可伸缩性。 I read this on Wikipedia . 我在Wikipedia上阅读过此内容

You can disable LCIE , but I am not sure why you would want to do that. 您可以禁用LCIE ,但是我不确定为什么要这么做。 I would consider using the a solution that @Damien_The_Unbeliever mention above. 我会考虑使用@Damien_The_Unbeliever上面提到的解决方案。

I have an IE application in my win32 Application and i'm using Win32Api - SendMessage with WM_CLOSE = 0x0010 我的win32应用程序中有一个IE应用程序,并且我正在使用Win32Api - SendMessage with WM_CLOSE = 0x0010

SendMessage(handle,0x0010,IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)}

This closes the IE, how ever you need to have the specific handle of the Browser (Class IEFrame). 这将关闭IE,即您需要具有浏览器的特定句柄(类IEFrame)的方式。

There is one drawback, in case you have more then one tab, the IE opens confirm close dialog which prevent the close process. 有一个缺点,如果您有多个选项卡,则IE将打开“确认关闭”对话框,从而阻止关闭过程。

One way to overcome the dialog opening is to set it check box to (always close), but for me itţs not an option. 解决对话框打开问题的一种方法是将其复选框设置为(始终关闭),但对我来说这不是一个选择。


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