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[英]Iterate over bean in Javascript?

We normally do something like this JSTL on the jsp....but I now need to set data in the javascript using JSON. 我们通常在jsp上做这样的JSTL ......但我现在需要使用JSON在javascript中设置数据。 How would I do something like this in Javascript/JSON 我如何在Javascript / JSON中做这样的事情

Basically loop over a bean and pull out its parameters: 基本上循环遍历bean并提取其参数:

  <c:forEach var="field" items="${detFields}">

so I can put it inside something like this: 所以我可以把它放在这样的东西:

    "data": [{
        "value": "${field.groupName}"

    }, {

        "value": "${field.breakoutAllowed}"  

It looks like the JSON structure you're looking for is an array of objects, each with two properties: name and breakoutAllowed . 看起来你正在寻找的JSON结构是一个对象数组,每个对象都有两个属性: namebreakoutAllowed JavaScript to assign this data to a variable could be output like this from a JSP file. 将此数据分配给变量的JavaScript可以从JSP文件中输出。 (Within a <script> block or equivalent, of course.) (当然,在<script>块或等效内容中。)

var output = [
 <c:forEach var="field" items="${detFields}" varStatus="status">
   <c:if test="${not status.last}">,</c:if>

Hope this code works well and is liked by you. 希望这段代码运行良好,并且很受你喜欢。 I consider writing scriptlet into JS a kinda weird practice so just suggested another way of approaching it. 我认为将scriptlet编写成JS是一种奇怪的做法,所以只是提出了另一种方法来处理它。 Please comment if necessary. 如有必要请发表评论。

    var k=$('#data').val();

    //Convert the value into the required array. Since writing it is JavaScript directly is not a daily practice.

    <input type="hidden" id="data" value=
     <c:forEach var="field" items="${detFields}" varStatus="status">
       <c:if test="${not status.last}">,</c:if>


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