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在App Store网页和iTunes应用程序中同时打开iOS应用程序的URL

[英]URL to open iOS app in App Store web page and iTunes app simultaneously

What is the preferred URL to use to open an iOS app in it's App Store web page as well as the iTunes app (when available on the host device)? 在App Store网页和iTunes应用程序(如果在主机设备上可用)中打开iOS应用程序时,首选的URL是什么?

I've tried using the itms:// protocol but this opens the app details in the iTunes app only and so is of no use when the URL is navigated to from an Android or Windows phone for example. 我尝试使用itms://协议,但这仅在iTunes应用程序中打开应用程序详细信息,因此,例如从Android或Windows手机将URL导航到URL时,它是没有用的。

I believe you would want to look at the browser to determine which link to use. 我相信您会希望通过浏览器来确定要使用的链接。 If the browser is Safari on iOS device, give them the iTunes protocol link, otherwise, http://. 如果浏览器是iOS设备上的Safari,请给他们提供iTunes协议链接,否则为http://。

I believe javascript allows you to read such information: Take a look here: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_browser.asp 我相信javascript可以让您阅读此类信息:在这里看看: http : //www.w3schools.com/js/js_browser.asp

我发现,URL的行为是在会员设备上自动打开iTunes应用程序(如果有)时在主机设备上自动打开iTunes应用程序之前由会员链接触发的(需要跟踪点击次数才能将用户带到预期的目的地) )。

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