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[英]using foreach loop for two lists in c# for geting lists values

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };

for(int i = 0; i < listA.Count; i++)
    text += listA[i] + " and " + listB[i];

How can I do this using a foreach loop ? 如何使用foreach循环执行此操作?

You can use Linq and the Zip method: 您可以使用Linq和Zip方法:

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };

foreach (var pair in listA.Zip(listB, (a,b) => new {A = a, B = b}))
    text += pair.A + " and " + pair.B;

You cannot do this with a foreach any better than you are already doing it with for -- foreach is really only designed to work well when there is only one sequence to enumerate. 你不能用一个做到这一点foreach任何比你已经有这样做for - foreach是真的只设计很好地工作时,只有一个序列枚举。

However, you can do it very conveniently with LINQ: 但是,使用LINQ可以非常方便地完成:

text = string.Join("", listA.Zip(listB, (a, b) => a + " and " + b));

This requires .NET 4 both for Zip and for the specific overload of string.Join . 这需要.NET 4和Zip以及string.Join特定重载

Another way of doing this is doing that with simple Enumerator: 另一种方法是使用简单的Enumerator:

IEnumerator<string>  enumerator = listB.GetEnumerator(); 
foreach(var stra in listA) {
    text += stra + " and " + enumerator.Current.ToString() + ", ";


string text = listA.Zip(listB, (a, b) => new {A = a, B = b}).Aggregate("", (current, pair) => current + (pair.A + " and " + pair.B));

And if you do not want to use LINQ and you want them to iterate parallel you have few options - with new classes etc. like below OR you can use foreach , but only for one of the lists, like this: 如果您不想使用LINQ并且希望它们并行迭代,那么您可以选择几个选项 - 如下面的新类等,或者您可以使用foreach ,但仅适用于其中一个列表,如下所示:

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };
string text = "";
int i = 0;
foreach (string s in listA) {
   text += s + " and " + listB [i++] + "\n";
Console.WriteLine (text);

or make it a bit nicer using GetEnumerator: 或使用GetEnumerator让它更好一些:

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };
string text = "";       
List<string>.Enumerator e = listB.GetEnumerator ();
foreach (string s in listA) {
   e.MoveNext ();
   text += s + " and " + e.Current + "\n";
Console.WriteLine (text);

also you can create yourself an Enumberable metacollection which will return out of that always a simple string array - for that you will need to create an Enumerator and a class which is derieves from IEnumerable: 你也可以创建一个Enumberable metacollection,它将返回总是一个简单的字符串数组 - 为此你需要创建一个Enumerator和一个来自IEnumerable的类:

First the Enumerator: 首先是调查员:

private class DoubleStringEnumerator : IEnumerator
    private DoubleString _elemList;
    private int _index;
    public DoubleStringEnumerator(DoubleString doubleStringObjt)
        _elemList = doubleStringObjt;
        _index = -1;
    public void Reset()
        _index = -1;
    public object Current {
        get {
            return _elemList.getNext();
    public bool MoveNext ()
        if (_index >= _elemList.Length)
            return false;
            return true;

The Current method does not really reflects it's name in the given example - but it is for learning purposes. Current方法并没有真正反映给定示例中的名称 - 但它是出于学习目的。

Now the class: 现在上课:

public class DoubleString : IEnumerable
    public int Length;
    List<String> listA;
    List<String> listB;
    List<string>.Enumerator eA,eB;
    public DoubleString(List<String> newA,List<String> newB)
        if(newA.Count != newB.Count) {
            throw new Exception("Lists lengths must be the same");    
        listA = newA;
        listB = newB;
        eA = listA.GetEnumerator ();
        eB = listB.GetEnumerator ();
        Length = listA.Count;
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
        return (IEnumerator)new DoubleStringEnumerator(this);
    public string[] getNext ()
        eA.MoveNext ();
        eB.MoveNext ();
        return new string[] {eA.Current ,eB.Current };

And the code itself: 代码本身:

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };               
DoubleString newDoubleString = new DoubleString (listA, listB);             
string text = "";
foreach (string[] s in newDoubleString) {
    text += s[0] + " and " + s[1] + "\n";
Console.WriteLine (text);

Of course still better to use LINQ. 当然还是更好地使用LINQ。 The code is not optimsied, but I had no compiler with me so writting from my head - hope it will clarify few things. 代码没有被激活,但我没有编译器,所以写下我的头 - 希望它能澄清一些事情。 Feel free to ask questions. 随意问的问题。

List<int> = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
List<String> words = new [] { "one", "two", "three" };

var numbersAndWords = numbers.Zip(words, (n, w) => new { Number = n, Word = w });
foreach(var nw in numbersAndWords)
    Console.WriteLine(nw.Number + nw.Word);

Here is the solution using foreach: 以下是使用foreach的解决方案:

string text = null;
int cnt = 0;

List<String> listA = new List<string> { "A1", "A2" };
List<String> listB = new List<string> { "B1", "B2" };

foreach (string i in listA)
         text += listA[cnt] + " and " + listB[cnt];

Thanks & Regards, 感谢和问候,
Subhankar Subhankar

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