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[英]How to install the slime into emacs under Windows7

How to install the slime into emacs under Win7? 如何在Win7下将粘液安装到emacs中?

I download a compact package with '.tgz'. 我下载了一个带有'.tgz'的紧凑包。 But it seems for linux. 但它似乎对于Linux。 But there is really not one thing for windows(win 32 OS). 但是对于Windows来说真的没有一件事(赢得32 OS)。

I unfold this package and I find there are lots of documents. 我展开了这个包,我发现有很多文件。

It's actually the same as for other operating systems , as far as I can tell. 就我所知,它实际上与其他操作系统相同 (At least, it always worked for me under FreeBSD/ArchLinux/Win7.) First, you unpack to a location you like, then add something like this to your .emacs (assuming you unpacked somewhere under your user directory): (至少,它总是在我的FreeBSD / ArchLinux / Win7下工作。)首先,你解压缩到你喜欢的位置,然后在.emacs中添加这样的东西(假设你在你的用户目录下解压缩):

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/my/path/to/slime/")
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/my/path/to/slime/contrib/") ; for optional features

;; '(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-references              ; optional features
;;   slime-indentation slime-xref-browser)

(setq slime-lisp-implementations
      '((ccl ("~/path/to/ccl/wx86cl"))
        (clisp ("~/path/to/clisp-2.49/clisp" "-modern"))) ; giving a command arg
      slime-default-lisp 'ccl)

Restart Emacs or type Cx Ce behind each of these toplevel forms. 重新启动Emacs或在每个顶层表单后面键入Cx Ce Then, type Mx slime RET (or Cu Mx slime RET if you want to choose between the implementations in slime-lisp-implementations , otherwise slime-lisp-default will be used) and it should just work (it does for me). 然后,键入Mx slime RET (或Cu Mx slime RET如果你想在slime-lisp-implementations的实现之间进行选择,否则将使用slime-lisp-default )并且它应该正常工作(它适用于我)。 The setting of slime-lisp-implementations is optional – you can also give the path to your lisp implementation executable by hand when starting Slime. slime-lisp-implementations的设置是可选的 - 您也可以在启动Slime时手动提供lisp实现可执行文件的路径。

Assuming you want to use Slime with CL, since there is no Clojure tag. 假设你想使用Slime和CL,因为没有Clojure标签。 If you want to use it with Clojure, things are unfortunately a little different and both versions don't play very nicely together. 如果你想在Clojure中使用它,不幸的是有些不同,两个版本都不能很好地结合在一起。 The recommended way for use with Clojure, last time I checked, would be installation using the package system of Emacs 24 or, if you're using an older version, ELPA (which is essentially the same). 上次我检查时,推荐使用Clojure的方法是使用Emacs 24的软件包系统进行安装,如果你使用的是旧版本,则使用ELPA(基本相同)。

This worked for me, 这对我有用,

  • Get a Slime copy from https://github.com/slime/slime , either by git clone or by downloading the zip. https://github.com/slime/slime获取Slime副本,可以通过git clone或下载zip。 Unzip and save it in D:/myuser/slime-2.13 , for example 例如,将其解压缩并保存在D:/myuser/slime-2.13
  • Download and install CLISP 下载并安装CLISP
  • Add this to the .emacs file, usually located in C:/users/myuser/AppData/Roaming : 将其添加到.emacs文件中,通常位于C:/users/myuser/AppData/Roaming

     ; This is the path where you've saved Slime in the first step (add-to-list 'load-path "D:/myuser/slime-2.13/") (require 'slime-autoloads) ; This is the path where CLISP was installed. ; Use Progra~1 for "Program Files" and Progra~2 for "Program Files (x86)" (setq inferior-lisp-program "/C/Progra~2/clisp-2.49/clisp.exe") 

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