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OS X中的Tary弹出通知

[英]Tary pop up notifications in OS x

I need to show something similar to skype pop up saying "A came online" in my OS x app. 我需要在OS X应用程序中显示类似于skype弹出框的内容,说“ A online”。 When I researched on this I found that we can use Growl for achieving it. 当我对此进行研究时,发现可以使用Growl来实现它。 But for this, do every user who use my app needs to install Growl too? 但是为此,使用我的应用程序的每个用户都需要安装Growl吗?

Is there any way I can make a standalone app for showing notifications? 有什么办法可以使我的独立应用程序显示通知? Because we are not installing Growl or any other softwares when installing skype, but still they are showing the notification pop up. 因为在安装Skype时我们没有安装Growl或任何其他软件,但是它们仍然显示弹出的通知。

I am really confused. 我真的很困惑。 Please help me out! 请帮帮我! Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

No, your users don't need to have Growl. 不,您的用户不需要Growl。 That was true for older versions, but as of 1.3, to quote from A Note to Developers : 对于较早的版本,这是正确的,但从1.3版开始,请引用“ 开发者的注解”

Growl itself is no longer required in order to display a notification. 不再需要咆哮声来显示通知。 The 1.3 SDK allows for applications to generate Growl notifications without Growl installed. 1.3 SDK允许应用程序在未安装Growl的情况下生成Growl通知。 This is called "Mist" and is a new feature of the 1.3 SDK. 这称为“雾”,是1.3 SDK的新功能。 Thus, Growl becomes the "pro" version of Growl when allowing you to customize the notifications, and the "free" version is the built-in notification. 因此,当您允许自定义通知时,Growl成为Growl的“专业”版本,而“免费”版本是内置的通知。

You can see this working if you download one of the app plugins and install it, without installing Growl itself—Mail, iTunes, or whatever will still display notifications. 如果您下载了一个应用程序插件并安装了它,而没有安装Growl本身(邮件,iTunes或仍会显示通知的任何东西),则可以看到此方法有效。 You just don't have a handy tool to configure them (or see the history, or roll up notifications that happened while you were away). 您只是没有方便的工具来配置它们(或查看历史记录,或汇总在您离开时发生的通知)。 This is exactly how your app will work for users who don't have Growl. 这正是您的应用程序对没有Growl的用户的工作方式。

The main Growl documentation still hasn't been completely updated, so it's a source of much confusion, and learning all of the details is a bit complicated. Growl主要文档仍未完全更新,因此很容易引起混乱,要了解所有细节会有些复杂。

But the simple version is simple: Just use the Growl framework display notifications, and it uses Growl if the user has it, or "Mist" if not. 但是简单的版本很简单:只需使用Growl框架显示通知,如果用户拥有它就使用Growl,否则使用“ Mist”。

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