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[英]JuiceUI implementation on a Virtual Directory in IIS

General Description : 概述:

I have installed JuiceUI on a local build of a web form application in asp.net in Visual Studio 2010. What I want to do is take this application and add it to a virtual directory that has been setup for me. 我已经在Visual Studio 2010中asp.net中的Web窗体应用程序的本地版本上安装了JuiceUI。我想要做的就是获取此应用程序并将其添加到已为我设置的虚拟目录中。 I have JuiceUI working on my local version, but it does not load the AJAX (such as the datepicker [ie calendar]) on the virtual directory. 我的本地版本上有JuiceUI,但它没有在虚拟目录上加载AJAX(例如datepicker [即日历])。

Any help to get this loaded onto the virtual directory would be very much appreciated. 非常感谢将其加载到虚拟目录中的任何帮助。

Details I know to give at the moment : 我现在知道的详细信息:

This is a web form application. 这是一个Web窗体应用程序。 To deploy to the virtual directory, I copy and paste the directory of my code into the directory space on the server. 要部署到虚拟目录,我将代码目录复制并粘贴到服务器上的目录空间中。 Therefore my bin folders and jquery are loaded on my app folder. 因此,我的bin文件夹和jquery被加载到我的app文件夹中。 I have configured the parent website web.config membership provider so that I can connect and access my app. 我已经配置了父网站web.config成员资格提供程序,以便可以连接和访问我的应用程序。 So I have had my page working just fine on the virtual directory. 因此,我的页面在虚拟目录上工作得很好。 I installed JuiceUI on my local build and was now copying it to the website to realize that none of the ajax functionality was working. 我在本地版本上安装了JuiceUI,现在将其复制到网站上以意识到ajax功能均无法正常工作。

I'd say the first step is to verify that the browser is loading the necessary js and css files. 我要说的第一步是验证浏览器正在加载必要的js和css文件。 Use chrome inspector or firefox+firebug and look for any 404s on the resources. 使用chrome inspector或firefox + firebug并在资源上查找任何404。 If the scripts and css aren't loading, then you'll need to adjust their location in code to match your setup. 如果未加载脚本和CSS,则需要调整它们在代码中的位置以匹配您的设置。

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