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Apache CXF日志记录

[英]Apache CXF Logging

I have some problems with my server-client communication via web services with Apache CXF framework . 我通过Apache CXF framework Web服务与我的服务器 - 客户端通信有一些问题。 I want to log the server errors to an external file instead of terminal. 我想将服务器错误记录到外部文件而不是终端。 Piece of code for server; 服务器的代码片;

server= new JaxwsNotificationBroker("Hello",..);
server.setAddress("http://localhost:" + brokerPort + "/wsn/NotificationBroker");

And I tried this for logging; 我试着用它来记录;

server.getInInterceptors().add(new LoggingInInterceptor());
server.getOutInterceptors().add(new LoggingOutInterceptor());

But it gives the error The method getInInterceptors() is undefined for the type JaxwsNotificationBroker . 但它给出了错误The method getInInterceptors() is undefined for the type JaxwsNotificationBroker

Is there any method to log the errors for JaxwsNotificationBroker ? 是否有任何方法可以记录JaxwsNotificationBroker的错误?

Thank you 谢谢

You can add loggingInInterceptor & logOutInterceptor inside cxf:bus 您可以在cxf:bus添加loggingInInterceptorlogOutInterceptor

      <ref bean="loggingInInterceptor" />
      <ref bean="logOutInterceptor" />

add this to your spring config file, if you are using spring: 如果您使用的是spring,请将其添加到spring配置文件中:

        <cxf:logging />

don't forget to add cxf namespace as 不要忘记添加cxf名称空间为


如果使用log4j进行日志记录,则必须将META-INF / cxf / org.apache.cxf.Logger文件放入类路径中,并将“org.apache.cxf.common.logging.Log4jLogger”类名作为单行添加否则cxf将使用JavaTM 2平台的核心日志记录工具。

For some reason, gnodet wanted to keep all the WS-N stuff as independent from CXF as possible and only rely on pure JAX-WS stuff. 出于某种原因,gnodet希望将所有WS-N内容尽可能独立于CXF,并且只依赖于纯JAX-WS的东西。 Thus, nice methods for things like the CXF interceptors aren't possible. 因此,像CXF拦截器这样的好方法是不可能的。 :-( :-(

Looking at the code, the only option right now would be to write a subclass of JaxwsEndpointManager that would call the super.register method, then cast it to the CXF EndpointImpl, and set the interceptors on there. 查看代码,现在唯一的选择是编写一个JaxwsEndpointManager的子类,它将调用super.register方法,然后将其转换为CXF EndpointImpl,并在那里设置拦截器。 Not really ideal. 不太理想。 :-( :-(

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