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[英]How do I customize the layout of a ListBox's ItemsPanelTemplate?

I'd like to specify multiple columns for my ListBox , but my googling skills have failed me on this one. 我想为ListBox指定多个列,但是我的谷歌搜索技能使我在这一列上失败了。

How can I modify the ItemsPanelTemplate of a ListBox to customize the columns displayed? 如何修改ListBoxItemsPanelTemplate以自定义显示的列?

Edit: forgot to put what I'd tried already 编辑:忘了把我已经尝试过的

I've tried the code 我试过了代码

<ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="ItemsPanelTemplate1">
        <UniformGrid Columns="3" />

Which works except I lose the vertical scrollbar 除了我失去了垂直滚动条之外,哪个有效

It shoudln't be that difficult but it depends - if you are using a grid or some-such control for each item and you don't mind the columns not being the same width with variable width items inside them, then just adding a grid to the ItemTemplate will do. 应该没有那么困难,但这要取决于-如果您对每个项目使用网格或类似的控件,并且您不介意列的宽度不相同且内部具有可变宽度的项目,那么只需添加网格即可到ItemTemplate即可。

            <SomeControl Grid.Column="0" />
            <SomeControl Grid.Column="1" />
            <SomeControl Grid.Column="2" />

The only problem is if you want the grid columns to all be the same size with variable sized content - in which case it would be a little more involved - otherwise you can either explicitly set a size, or let the content decide the size by setting the column widths to "Auto" . 唯一的问题是,如果您希望网格列的大小都相同且内容大小可变-在这种情况下会涉及更多内容-否则您可以显式设置大小,或者让内容通过设置来决定大小列宽为"Auto"

Here's a simple example of what I think you're looking for, with 3 columns, item wrapping, and automatic vertical scrolling which will work depending on the surrounding layout. 这是我想寻找的一个简单示例,它具有3列,项目包装和自动垂直滚动,这些滚动条将根据周围的布局而工作。

<ListBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
            <UniformGrid Columns="3"/>
            <Border MinHeight="150" Margin="5" Background="Green" CornerRadius="4">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" Foreground="White"/>


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