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[英]How to write a java.sql.Array to a java.sql.SQLOutput within SQLData.writeSQL() for Oracle

I have implemented java.sql.SQLData in order to bind UDT objects to prepared statements using ojdbc6. 我已经实现了java.sql.SQLData ,以便使用ojdbc6将UDT对象绑定到准备好的语句。 Now, some of my UDT's contain arrays. 现在,我的一些UDT包含数组。 What I need to do now is this: 我现在需要做的是:

class MyType implements SQLData {
  public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException {
    Array array = //...

In order to construct Oracle arrays, I need a JDBC Connection. 为了构造Oracle阵列,我需要一个JDBC连接。 Typically, this is done as such: 通常,这样做是这样的:

OracleConnection conn = // ...
Array array = conn.createARRAY("MY_ARRAY_TYPE", new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 });

However, in that writeSQL(SQLOutput) method, I do not have a connection. 但是,在该writeSQL(SQLOutput)方法中,我没有连接。 Also, for reasons that are hard to explain in a concise question, I cannot maintain a connection reference in MyType . 另外,由于在一个简洁的问题中难以解释的原因,我无法在MyType维护连接引用。 Can I somehow extract that connection from SQLOutput ? 我可以以某种方式从SQLOutput提取该连接吗? I'd like to avoid using instable constructs like this: 我想避免使用如下不稳定的构造:

// In ojdbc6, I have observed a private "conn" member in OracleSQLOutput:
Field field = stream.getClass().getDeclaredField("conn");
OracleConnection conn = (OracleConnection) field.get(stream);

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Alternatives? 备择方案?

Here's what I did to workaround this issue. 这是解决此问题的方法。 It's not pretty, but it works. 它不漂亮,但是可以用。

I added a method in my class implementing SQLData that receives a java.sql.Connection and setups the corresponding java.sql.ARRAY objects. 我在实现SQLData类中添加了一个方法,该方法接收一个java.sql.Connection并设置相应的java.sql.ARRAY对象。

Something like this: 像这样:

public class MyObject01 implements SQLData {
   private String value;
   private MyObject02[] details; // do note that details is a java array
   // ... also added getters and setters for these two properties

   private Array detailsArray;

   public void setupArrays(oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection oconn)
      throws SQLException
       detailsArrays = oconn.createARRAY(MyObject02.ORACLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_NAME, getDetails());
       // MyObject02.ORACLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_NAME must be the name of the oracle "table of" type name
       // Also note that in Oracle you can't use JDBC's default createArray
       // since it's not supported. That's why you need to get a OracleConnection
       // instance here. 

   public void writeSQL(Stream stream) throws SQLException {
       stream.writeArray(detailsArray); // that's it

   public void readSQL(Stream stream) throws SQLException {
       Array array = stream.readArray();
       if (array != null) {

That's the first part. 这是第一部分。

Then, BEFORE using that object in a procedure call, invoke setupArrays method on that object. 然后,在过程调用中使用该对象之前,请对该对象调用setupArrays方法。 Example: 例:

public class DB {
    public static String executeProc(Connection conn, MyObject01 obj)
        throws SQLException
        CalllableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(" { ? = call sch.proc(?) }");
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        cs.setObject(2, obj, Types.STRUCT);
        String ret = cs.getString(1);
        return ret;

Of course, upon connection, you need to register your types properly: 当然,连接后,您需要正确注册类型:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle://localhost:1521/XE", "scott", "tiger" );
conn.getTypeMap().put(MyObject01.ORACLE_OBJECT_NAME, MyObject01.class);
conn.getTypeMap().put(MyObject02.ORACLE_OBJECT_NAME, MyObject02.class);
conn.getTypeMap().put(MyObject02.ORACLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_NAME, MyObject02[].class);

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

Have a look at this SO answer . 看看这个SO答案 One can get the connection from the SQLOutput : 可以从SQLOutput获取连接:

    final OracleSQLOutput out = (OracleSQLOutput) sqlOutput;
    OracleConnection conn = (OracleConnection) out.getSTRUCT().getJavaSqlConnection();

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