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如何使用JSP将JSON数据发送到服务器并获取JSON / XML作为响应

[英]How to send JSON data to server and get JSON/XML as response using JSP

I am a beginner for web application. 我是Web应用程序的初学者。 I created a dynamic web project using java EE on glassfish server. 我在glassfish服务器上使用Java EE创建了一个动态Web项目。 Now I want to let client send data using json to server and receive data from server using json or xml. 现在,我想让客户端使用json将数据发送到服务器,并使用json或xml从服务器接收数据。 By searching online, I am now clear with how to program on server side. 通过在线搜索,我现在很清楚如何在服务器端进行编程。 Now I use ajax to send json data. 现在,我使用ajax发送json数据。 However, maybe it's to easy to code on the server, I can't find any code related to server. 但是,也许在服务器上编写代码很容易,我找不到与服务器相关的任何代码。 My server side should use JSP to read the json data, using a bean(finished) to generate some data and send the data back. 我的服务器端应使用JSP读取json数据,并使用bean(已完成)生成一些数据并将其发送回去。 Here is the code and I don't where is the problem. 这是代码,我不在哪里。 Can anyone give any advice to me? 谁能给我任何建议? your help means a lot for me! 您的帮助对我意义重大!

this is the ajax code on the client side. 这是客户端上的ajax代码。 I sent two input number from a form 我从表格发送了两个输入号码

$(function() {
    $("#myform").submit(function() {
        var lat = $("#num1").val();
        var lon = $("#num2").val();

        if (num1 == '' || num2 == '') {
        } else {
                type : "POST",
                url : "marker.jsp",
                contenttype : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                data : {
                    "num1" : "wtf",
                    "num2" : $("#num2").val(),

                success : function(msg) {


        return false;

but after I switch to the jsp page, I only found two null values displayed, here's the code on the server, I planned to send xml at the beginning and I am not sure whether the request.getParameter can work and how to send back these xml data or using json format to send the data back. 但是切换到jsp页面后,我只发现显示了两个null值,这是服务器上的代码,我计划在开始时发送xml,但不确定request.getParameter是否可以工作以及如何发回这些值xml数据或使用json格式将数据发送回。 Help! 救命!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<%@ page contentType="text/xml" %>
<%@ page             import="javax.naming.InitialContext,net.roseindia.ejb3.stateless.*,javax.ejb.EJB,java.util.*"%>

        try {

            String s1 = request.getParameter("num1");
            String s2 = request.getParameter("num2");

            if (s1 != null && s2 != null) {
                List<String> textdatas = cal.GetTextResults(s1, s2);

                for (String textdata : textdatas) {

                String textLocation= "("+textdata.split("\\t",2)[0]+")";
        <event> <%=textdata.split("\\t",2)[1]%></event>

                List<String> images = cal.getImage();

                for(String image: images){

        }// end of try
        catch (Exception e) {
            //result = "Not valid";

If you are not using any MVC framework I suggest you to adopt one. 如果您不使用任何MVC框架,建议您采用一个。 It doesn't seem that rendering an XML/JSON from a JSP is a good/easy practice. 从JSP渲染XML / JSON似乎不是一个好/容易的做法。 Its not difficult to see that your code its getting too cumbersome... not to say that it might not be valid code. 不难看出您的代码变得太麻烦了...并不是说它可能不是有效的代码。

I suggest that you adopt a MVC framework - I use VRaptor which is quite a good and simple one, allows you to develop RESTful web apps without even being aware of it. 我建议您采用一个MVC框架-我使用VRaptor ,它是一个非常简单的好方法,它使您无需知道就可以开发RESTful Web应用程序。 Make sure to check this one minute guide !!! 确保检查这一分钟指南 This framework by encapsulating ThoughWorks XStream Framework makes it dead simple to accomplish your task. 通过封装WhileWorks XStream Framework ,此框架使完成任务非常简单。 Take a look at what would be needed to respond to a request with a JSON object: 看一下用JSON对象响应请求所需要的内容:

    import static br.com.caelum.vraptor.view.Results.*;

    public class ClientsController {

    private final Result result;
    private final ClientDao dao;

    //result and dao parameters gets inject by VRaptor that
    //by its turn lets you chose which Dependency Injection framework
    //you wouldd like to be using with - pretty much as a plugin
    public ClientsController(Result result, ClientDao dao) {
        this.result = result;
        this.dao = dao;

    public void loadJson(MyParam param) {

    public void loadXml(MyParam param) { 

Note that Vraptor deserializes MyParam object from JSON and also injects it to your controller action request arrives! 请注意,Vraptor从JSON反序列化MyParam对象,并将其注入到您的控制器操作请求到达时!

This example was taken from this page ! 此示例取自此页面

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