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[英]Equivalent of SQL Query with linq

I search an equivalent with LINQ for this query : 我使用LINQ搜索等效的查询:

FROM Shapes
ORDER BY ABS(45.403703 - Latitude), ABS(- 71.948638 - Longitude)

Someone have an idea? 有人有想法吗? I begin with linq 我从linq开始

Something like this? 像这样的东西?

var result = shapes
    .OrderBy(s => Math.Abs(45.403703 - s.Latitude))
    .ThenBy(s => Math.Abs(-71.948638 - s.Longitude));
    var results = 
    from x in shapes 
    orderby Math.Abs(45.403703 - x.Latitude),
            Math.Abs(- 71.948638 - x.Longitude)
    select x; 

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