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JS / Ajax:提交表单而不刷新页面或单击按钮

[英]JS/Ajax: Submit form without page refresh or button click

I am trying to submit a form without a button click or page refresh. 我正在尝试提交没有单击按钮或刷新页面的表单。 Once the form is submitted then I will echo the value in the input field through php. 提交表单后,我将通过php在输入字段中回显值。 The problem is that I added a timer but is not doing anything at all. 问题是我添加了一个计时器,但什么也不做。 How can i set a timer once user stops typing give two seconds(keyup) and then take the value? 一旦用户停止键入,我该如何设置计时器,给两秒钟(keyup)然后取值? EXAMPLE


$(function() {

var timer;

$(".submit").click(function() {

  $('submit').on('keyup', function() {

    var name = $("#name").val();

    var dataString = 'name='+ name;

            type: "POST",
            url: "index.php",
            data: dataString,
            success: function(result){
            $('#special').append('<p>' +  $('#resultval', result).html() + '</p>');


            return false;

}, 2000;



     $url     = $_POST['name'];
     echo ('<b><span id="resultval">'.$url.'</span></b>');

http://jsfiddle.net/earlonrails/pXA6U/2/ http://jsfiddle.net/earlonrails/pXA6U/2/

$(function() {
 var timer = null; 
 var dataString;
 function submitForm(){
   $.ajax({ type: "POST",
            url: "index.php",
            data: dataString,
            success: function(result){

   return false;
 $('#submit').on('keyup', function() {
    timer = setTimeout(submitForm, 2000);
    var name = $("#name").val();
    dataString = 'name='+ name;


I use the following to provide an auto-refreshing page with a visual timer. 我使用以下内容提供带有视觉计时器的自动刷新页面。 It does more than you need, but it could be stripped back to something simpler. 它的功能超出了您的需要,但可以剥离为更简单的方法。

Launch it at page load with 在页面加载时启动


Supporting functions below 以下支持功能

 * This function checks if the auto-refresh check box is checked and then refreshes the page.
 function auto_refresh() {
    // ****************************************
    //           Countdown display
    // **************************************** 
    $("#countdown").progressbar({ value: 100 });
    check_refresh(120, 120);
    $("#autorefresh").click(function() {
            if ($(this).attr("checked") == "checked") {
                $("#countdown").progressbar("option", "disabled", false );
                $("#countdown").progressbar("option", "value", 100);
                check_refresh(120, 120);

And... 和...

 * This functions sets the time interval used to auto-refresh the page.
function check_refresh(countdownValue, secondsRemaining) {
    var autorefresh = $("#autorefresh");

    if ($(autorefresh).attr("checked") == "checked") {      
        setTimeout(function() {
            var value = Math.round(secondsRemaining / countdownValue * 100);
            // consoleDebug("Seconds remaining: " + secondsRemaining);
            secondsRemaining -= 10;
            $("#countdown").progressbar("option", "value", value);
            if (secondsRemaining < 0) {
                loadDashboard();  // <--- Launch whatever you want here.
                check_refresh(120, 120);
            } else {
                check_refresh(countdownValue, secondsRemaining);
        }, 10000);
    } else {
        $("#countdown").progressbar({ disabled: true });

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