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PHP中的Paypal API Express Checkout付款错误代码13113

[英]Paypal API Express Checkout in PHP Payment error code 13113

We have tried and tested our site with Paypal sandbox and it works fully deducting the amount. 我们已经使用贝宝(Paypal)沙箱尝试并测试了我们的网站,它可以完全扣除该金额。

We switched the API details to Paypal and the links. 我们已将API详细信息切换为Paypal和链接。 We have tried with several paypal accounts to see if it works (all of them have enough funds for the transaction). 我们尝试了几个Paypal帐户,以查看其是否有效(它们都有足够的资金来进行交易)。

We recieve this back through the API on our returnUrl page - The API Call Failed 我们通过returnUrl页面上的API收到了此信息-API调用失败

Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2012%2d07%2d15T19%3a31%3a43Z [CORRELATIONID] => 927a89205e54a           
[ACK] => Failure [VERSION] => 65%2e1 [BUILD] => 3300093 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 13113               
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Buyer%20Cannot%20Pay%2e [L_LONGMESSAGE0] =>                          
The%20Buyer%20cannot%20pay%20with%20PayPal%20for%20this%20Transaction%2e [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error )

Php to make the final API call - PHP进行最终的API调用-

$ENDPOINT = "https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp";
//$ENDPOINT     = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";   
$VERSION      = "64"; 

//Build the Credential String:   
$cred_str = "USER=" . $APIUSERNAME . "&PWD=" . $APIPASSWORD . "&SIGNATURE=" .           

//Build NVP String for GetExpressCheckoutDetails   
$nvp_str = "&METHOD=GetExpressCheckoutDetails&TOKEN=" . urldecode($token); 

//Lets combine both strings then make the API call
$req_str = $cred_str . $nvp_str; $response = PPHttpPost($ENDPOINT, $req_str);

The above array comes from when i recieve my final acknowledgment from paypal. 上面的数组来自当我收到Paypal的最终确认时。

//check Response
if($doresponse['ACK'] == "Success" || $doresponse['ACK'] == "SuccessWithWarning") { 
echo "completed"; //just put to test  
include "finishtransaction.php"; //cancels my cart sessions
} else{
    echo "The API Call Failed"; print_r($doresponse); 

There is not much on google about this error, not even in the API error codes. 在Google上关于此错误的信息不多,甚至API错误代码也没有。 Has anyone come accross this before? 有人来过吗?

The PayPal API Error Codes are admittedly not very helpful. PayPal API错误代码公认不是很有帮助。

Error code 13113, or "The Buyer cannot pay with PayPal for this Transaction" means that PayPal has taken a security measure by refusing to process the transaction. 错误代码13113或“买方无法为此交易使用PayPal付款”表示PayPal已通过拒绝处理交易采取了安全措施。 This can happen for one of the following reasons (there are more, but here are a few): 可能由于以下原因之一而发生这种情况(有更多原因,但是这里有几个原因):

  • The buyer does not have enough money in their account 买家帐户中没有足够的钱
  • The buyer does not have enough money in their account, and there is a problem charging their credit card (if they have that set in their settings) 买方的帐户中没有足够的资金,因此无法从信用卡中收取费用(如果他们在自己的设置中进行了设置)
  • The buyer has asked for a refund on another item from the seller, and PayPal has therefore blocked the buyer's account from transferring money to the seller until the situation has been resolved. 买方要求卖方退还另一笔商品,因此贝宝(PayPal)阻止了买方的帐户将资金转给卖方,直到情况解决为止。
  • The buyer is suspected of fraudulent activity, so there is a freeze on their accounts. 买方涉嫌欺诈活动,因此冻结了他们的帐户。
  • The buyer's account is restricted to sending money to the specific seller for some other reason 由于某些其他原因,买方的帐户只能向特定的卖方汇款
  • The buyer's account is entirely frozen for some specific reason 由于某些特定原因,买家的帐户被完全冻结

Unfortunately, there isn't much anyone can tell you without thoroughly looking through your code. 不幸的是,如果没有彻底浏览代码,几乎没有人可以告诉您。 I would check my code and make sure all appropriate flags and what-not are set. 我将检查我的代码,并确保设置了所有适当的标志和“什么”。 If you wait a few hours and are still getting the error (especially on multiple/new accounts), then you will need to contact PayPal. 如果您等了几个小时仍遇到错误(特别是在多个/新帐户上),则需要联系PayPal。

I know it sucks, but only PayPal will be able to tell you why exactly the transaction is failing. 我知道这很糟糕,但是只有PayPal才能告诉您交易为什么会失败。

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