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[英]Map between enums with ValueInjecter

Is it possible to map between 2 different enums? 是否可以在2个不同的枚举之间进行映射?

That is, I want to take one enum value and map it to a corresponding value in a different enum type. 也就是说,我想获取一个枚举值并将其映射到另一枚举类型中的对应值。

I know how to do this with AutoMapper: 我知道如何使用AutoMapper做到这一点:

// Here's how to configure...
Mapper.CreateMap<EnumSourceType, EnumTargetType>();

// ...and here's how to map

But I'm new to ValueInjecter and can't figure it out. 但是我是ValueInjecter的新手,无法弄清楚。

** UPDATE ** ** 更新 **

The source and target enum types look something like: 源和目标枚举类型如下所示:

public enum EnumSourceType
    Val1 = 0,
    Val2 = 1,
    Val3 = 2,
    Val4 = 4,

public enum EnumTargetType

So, the constants have the same names, but different values. 因此,这些常数具有相同的名称,但具有不同的值。

ok, the solution is quite simple, I use the convention injection to match the properties by name and the fact that they are both enums after I use Enum.Parse to cast from string to Enum 好的,解决方案非常简单,我使用约定注入按名称匹配属性,并且在使用Enum.Parse从字符串转换为Enum后它们都是枚举的事实

public class EnumsByStringName : ConventionInjection
    protected override bool Match(ConventionInfo c)
        return c.SourceProp.Name == c.TargetProp.Name 
            && c.SourceProp.Type.IsEnum 
            && c.TargetProp.Type.IsEnum;

    protected override object SetValue(ConventionInfo c)
        return Enum.Parse(c.TargetProp.Type, c.SourceProp.Value.ToString());

public class F1
    public EnumTargetType P1 { get; set; }

public void Tests()
    var s = new { P1 = EnumSourceType.Val3 };
    var t = new F1();

    Assert.AreEqual(t.P1, EnumTargetType.Val3);
    enum EnumSourceType
        Val1 = 0,
        Val2 = 1,
        Val3 = 2,
        Val4 = 4,

    enum EnumTargetType

    Dictionary<EnumSourceType, EnumTargetType> SourceToTargetMap = new Dictionary<EnumSourceType, EnumTargetType>
        {EnumSourceType.Val1, EnumTargetType.Targ1},
        {EnumSourceType.Val2, EnumTargetType.Targ2},
        {EnumSourceType.Val3, EnumTargetType.Targ3},
        {EnumSourceType.Val4, EnumTargetType.Targ4},

    Console.WriteLine( SourceToTargetMap[EnumSourceType.Val1] )

Here's a version using LoopInjection base class: 这是使用LoopInjection基类的版本:

public class EnumsByStringName : LoopInjection

        protected override bool MatchTypes(Type source, Type target)
            return ((target.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Enum))
                        || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(target) != null && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(target).IsEnum)
                    && (source.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Enum))
                        || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(source) != null && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(source).IsEnum)

        protected override void SetValue(object source, object target, PropertyInfo sp, PropertyInfo tp)
            tp.SetValue(target, Enum.Parse(tp.PropertyType, sp.GetValue(source).ToString()));

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