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Excel VBA 按降序对数字数组进行排序的最快方法?

[英]Excel VBA Quickest way to sort an array of numbers in descending order?

What is the quickest way (in terms of computational time) to sort an array of numbers (1000-10000 numbers but could vary) in descending order?按降序对数字数组(1000-10000 个数字,但可能会有所不同)进行排序的最快方法(就计算时间而言)是什么? As far as I know the Excel build-in functions is not really efficient and in-memory sorting should be a lot faster than the Excel functions.据我所知,Excel 内置函数并不是很高效,内存排序应该比 Excel 函数快很多。

Note that I can not create anything on the spreadsheet, everything has to be stored and sorted in memory only.请注意,我无法在电子表格上创建任何内容,所有内容都必须仅在内存中存储和排序。

You could use System.Collections.ArrayList :您可以使用System.Collections.ArrayList

Dim arr As Object
Dim cell As Range

Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

' Initialise the ArrayList, for instance by taking values from a range:
For Each cell In Range("A1:F1")
    arr.Add cell.Value

' Optionally reverse the order

This uses Quick Sort.这使用快速排序。

Just so that people don't have to click the link that I just did, here is one of the fantastic examples from Siddharth's comment.为了让人们不必单击我刚刚创建的链接,这里是 Siddharth 评论中的精彩示例之一。

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

' Omit plngLeft & plngRight; they are used internally during recursion
Public Sub QuickSort(ByRef pvarArray As Variant, Optional ByVal plngLeft As Long, Optional ByVal plngRight As Long)
    Dim lngFirst As Long
    Dim lngLast As Long
    Dim varMid As Variant
    Dim varSwap As Variant

    If plngRight = 0 Then
        plngLeft = LBound(pvarArray)
        plngRight = UBound(pvarArray)
    End If
    lngFirst = plngLeft
    lngLast = plngRight
    varMid = pvarArray((plngLeft + plngRight) \ 2)
        Do While pvarArray(lngFirst) < varMid And lngFirst < plngRight
            lngFirst = lngFirst + 1
        Do While varMid < pvarArray(lngLast) And lngLast > plngLeft
            lngLast = lngLast - 1
        If lngFirst <= lngLast Then
            varSwap = pvarArray(lngFirst)
            pvarArray(lngFirst) = pvarArray(lngLast)
            pvarArray(lngLast) = varSwap
            lngFirst = lngFirst + 1
            lngLast = lngLast - 1
        End If
    Loop Until lngFirst > lngLast
    If plngLeft < lngLast Then QuickSort pvarArray, plngLeft, lngLast
    If lngFirst < plngRight Then QuickSort pvarArray, lngFirst, plngRight
End Sub

If you want efficient algorithm, then take a look at Timsort .如果你想要高效的算法,那么看看Timsort It is adaptation of merge sort that fixes it's problems.合并排序的改编解决了它的问题。

Case    Timsort     Introsort   Merge sort  Quicksort   Insertion sort  Selection sort
Best    Ɵ(n)        Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n)        Ɵ(n^2)          Ɵ(n)
Average Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n^2)          Ɵ(n^2)  
Worst   Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n log n)  Ɵ(n^2)      Ɵ(n^2)          Ɵ(n^2)  

However 1k - 10k data entries are far too little amount of data for you to worry about built in search efficiency.然而,1k - 10k 的数据条目对于您来说太少了,您不必担心内置的搜索效率。

Example: If you have data from column A to D and header is at row 2 and you want to sort by column B .示例:如果您有从A 列到 D列的数据,并且标题位于第 2 行,并且您希望按B 列排序。

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A3:D" & lastrow).Sort key1:=Range("B3:B" & lastrow), _
   order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

I have used the Shell sort algorithm successfully.我成功地使用了 Shell 排序算法。 Runs in the blink of an eye when tested for N=10000 using an array generated with VBA Rnd() function - don't forget to use the Randomize statement for generating test arrays.使用由 VBA Rnd() 函数生成的数组测试 N=10000 时眨眼间运行 - 不要忘记使用 Randomize 语句生成测试数组。 It was easy to implement and short and efficient enough for the number of elements I was dealing with.对于我正在处理的元素数量来说,它很容易实现并且足够简短和高效。 Reference is given in the code comments.代码注释中给出了参考。

' Shell sort algorithm for sorting a double from largest to smallest.
' Adopted from "Numerical Recipes in C" aka NRC 2nd Edition p330ff.
' Speed is on the range of N^1.25 to N^1.5 (somewhere between bubble and quicksort)
' Refer to the NRC reference for more details on efficiency.
Private Sub ShellSortDescending(ByRef a() As Double, N As Integer)

    ' requires a(1..N)

    Debug.Assert LBound(a) = 1

    ' setup

    Dim i, j, inc As Integer
    Dim v As Double
    inc = 1

    ' determine the starting incriment

        inc = inc * 3
        inc = inc + 1
    Loop While inc <= N

    ' loop over the partial sorts

        inc = inc / 3

        ' Outer loop of straigh insertion

        For i = inc + 1 To N
            v = a(i)
            j = i

            ' Inner loop of straight insertion
            ' switch to a(j - inc) > v for ascending

            Do While a(j - inc) < v
                a(j) = a(j - inc)
                j = j - inc
                If j <= inc Then Exit Do
            a(j) = v
        Next i
    Loop While inc > 1
End Sub

I know the OP specified not using worksheets but its worth noting that creating a new WorkSheet, using it as a scratch pad to do the sort with worksheet functions, then cleaning up after is longer by less than a factor of 2. But you also have all of the flexibility delivered by the parameters of the Sort WorkSheet Function.我知道指定的 OP 不使用工作表,但值得注意的是,创建一个新的工作表,将其用作便笺簿以使用工作表功能进行排序,然后清理时间少于 2 倍。但你也有排序工作表函数的参数提供的所有灵活性。

On my system, the difference was 55 msec for the very nice recursive routine by @tannman357 and 96 msec for the method below.在我的系统上,对于@tannman357 的非常好的递归例程,差异是 55 毫秒,对于下面的方法,差异是 96 毫秒。 Those are average times over several runs.这些是几次运行的平均时间。

Sub rangeSort(ByRef a As Variant)
Const myName As String = "Module1.rangeSort"
Dim db As New cDebugReporter
    db.Report caller:=myName

Dim r As Range, va As Variant, ws As Worksheet

  quietMode qmON
  Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add
  Set r = ws.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(a), 1)
  r.Value2 = rangeVariant(a)
  r.Sort Key1:=r.Cells(1), Order1:=xlDescending
  va = r.Value2
  GetColumn va, a, 1
  quietMode qmOFF

End Sub

Function rangeVariant(a As Variant) As Variant
Dim va As Variant, i As Long

  ReDim va(LBound(a) To UBound(a), 0)

  For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
    va(i, 0) = a(i)
  Next i
  rangeVariant = va

End Function

Sub quietMode(state As qmState)
Static currentState As Boolean

  With Application

    Select Case state
    Case qmON
      currentState = .ScreenUpdating
      If currentState Then .ScreenUpdating = False
      .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      .DisplayAlerts = False
    Case qmOFF
      If currentState Then .ScreenUpdating = True
      .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
      .DisplayAlerts = True
    Case Else
    End Select

  End With
End Sub

I answered this question myself a long time ago, meaning I had to come back to my very first VBA archived files.很久以前我自己回答了这个问题,这意味着我不得不回到我的第一个 VBA 存档文件。 So I found this old code, which I took from a book.所以我找到了这段旧代码,这是我从一本书上拿来的。 First it saves values (from selection intersected with a table column) to array ar(x) then sort them from smallest to biggest.首先,它将值(来自与表列相交的选择)保存到数组 ar(x),然后将它们从小到大排序。 To sort there are 2 bucles, the first one (Do Loop Until sw=0) and the second one (For x=1 To n Next) compares value a(x) with value a(x+1), keeping in a(x) the biggest number and in ar(x+1) the smallest number.要排序有 2 个 bucles,第一个 (Do Loop Until sw=0) 和第二个 (For x=1 To n Next) 将值 a(x) 与值 a(x+1) 进行比较,保持在 a( x) 中最大的数和 ar(x+1) 中最小的数。 The first bucle repeats until is sorted form smallest to biggest.第一个 bucle 重复,直到从最小到最大排序。 I actually used this code to insert a rows above every selected cell in a budget column (TblPpto[Descripcion]).我实际上使用此代码在预算列 (TblPpto[Descripcion]) 中的每个选定单元格上方插入一行。 Hope it helps!希望能帮助到你!

Sub Sorting()
Dim ar() As Integer, AX As Integer
Set rng = Intersect(Selection, Range("TblPpto[Descripcion]")) 'Cells selected in Table column
n = rng.Cells.Count 'Number of rows
ReDim ar(1 To n)
x = 1
For Each Cell In rng.Cells
    ar(x) = Cell.Row 'Save rows numbers to array ar()
    x = x + 1
Do 'Sort array ar() values
    sw = 0  'Condition to finish bucle
    For x = 1 To n - 1
        If ar(x) > ar(x + 1) Then 'If ar(x) is bigger
            AX = ar(x)            'AX gets bigger number
            ar(x) = ar(x + 1)     'ar(x) changes to smaller number
            ar(x + 1) = AX        'ar(x+1) changes to bigger number
            sw = 1                'Not finished sorting
        End If
Loop Until sw = 0
'Insert rows in TblPpto
fila = Range("TblPpto[#Headers]").Row
For x = n To 1 Step -1
    [TblPpto].Rows(ar(x) - fila).EntireRow.Insert
Next x
End Sub

The trincot code simply expanded as a function. trincot 代码简单地扩展为一个函数。 Have fun with that!玩得开心!

Function sort1DimArray(thatArray As Variant, descending As Boolean) As Variant
Dim arr As Object, i As Long, j As Long`

Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

For i = LBound(thatArray) To UBound(thatArray)
    arr.Add thatArray(i)
Next i


If descending = True Then
End If
'shortens empty spaces
For i = 0 To (arr.count - 1)
    If Not IsEmpty(arr.Item(i)) Then
        thatArray(j) = arr.Item(i)
        j = j + 1
    End If
Next i

ReDim Preserve thatArray(0 To (j - 1))
sort1DimArray = thatArray

End Function

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