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[英]Checking a superclass/interface method and an overridden method for equality

I've run into a situation where I have a Method instance from an interface definition and a Method instance of the same method from an implementing class. 我碰到一个情况我有一个Method实例从一个接口定义和Method相同的方法,从实现的类的实例。

For example: 例如:

public interface Foo {
    void bar();

public class FooImpl implements Foo {
    public void bar() {

Using reflection, I have obtained a Method instance of bar from the Foo interface and its derived implementation from FooImpl . 使用反射,我从Foo接口获得了barMethod实例,并从FooImpl获得了它的实现。 Essentially, I need to consider these Methods equal, but obviously the equals method indicates they are not equivalent. 从本质上讲,我需要考虑这些Methods相等,但是很明显, equals方法表明它们并不等效。

Specifically, I need a way to determine if a given Method obtained through reflection overrides a superclass/interface Method . 具体来说,我需要一种方法来确定通过反射获得的给定Method是否覆盖超类/接口Method

I'm currently using a workaround which avoids the situation completely by finding the "least-derived" method from a given class, but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant solution. 我目前正在使用一种变通方法,通过从给定类中找到“最少派生”方法来完全避免这种情况,但是我想知道是否有更优雅的解决方案。

I haven't taken the modifiers into consideration in the equals method but this should get you reasonably close if you want to use this algorithm: 我没有在equals方法中考虑修饰符,但是如果您想使用以下算法,这应该可以让您相当接近:

package test;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TestFooBar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        // Get the class of interest
        Class fooImpl = Class.forName("test.FooImpl");

        // Test all the methods
        for(Method m : fooImpl.getMethods()) {
            boolean overriden = false;
            List<Class> parents = new ArrayList<Class>();
            for(Class c : fooImpl.getInterfaces()) {
            if(fooImpl.getSuperclass() != null) parents.add(fooImpl.getSuperclass());
            for(Class c : fooImpl.getInterfaces()) {
                for(Method sm : c.getMethods()) {
                    if(equals(sm, m)) {
                        overriden = true;
                if(overriden) break;
            System.out.println(m+": "+(overriden ? "Overriden" : "Not overriden"));
    catch(Exception e) {

private static boolean equals(Method m1, Method m2) {
    if(!m1.getName().equals(m2.getName())) return false;
    String t1 = "";
    for(Class c : m1.getParameterTypes()) {
    String t2 = "";
    for(Class c : m2.getParameterTypes()) {
    if(!t1.equals(t2)) return false;

    return true;

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