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[英]html select default

In the html tag, is there something like 在html标记中,是否有类似

<select default="someValue" ... >

or 要么

to specify the value being selected when the page is loaded? 指定在加载页面时选择的值? I don't have access to the single options, so 我无权使用单个选项,因此

<option value="" selected> ... 

does not work for me. 对我不起作用。

<option value="something" selected="selected">

Is the only html way. 是唯一的html方式。 But you can do this with jQuery , eg give your select an ID <select id="mySelect"> 但是您可以使用jQuery完成此操作,例如,给您的选择一个ID <select id="mySelect">


$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#mySelect option[value='someValue']").attr('selected', 'selected');

If you don't want to use jQuery, there also is a plain javascript solution 如果您不想使用jQuery,也可以使用普通的javascript解决方案

 <select id="Select1" >
           <option value="x" selected="selected">x</option>
           <option value="y">Y</option>

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