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通过Safari读取iPhone UDID

[英]Reading iPhone UDID through Safari

I am trying to read iPhone UDID through Safari browser and below address is a manual how to make it hapeen. 我正在尝试通过Safari浏览器读取iPhone UDID,下面的地址是一本如何使它变通的手册。

https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/iPhoneOTAConfiguration/profile-service/profile-service.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009505-CH2-SW26 https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/iPhoneOTAConfiguration/profile-service/profile-service.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009505-CH2-SW26

I thought I should use some kind of PHP but, the language that they describe is not PHP. 我以为我应该使用某种PHP,但是,他们描述的语言不是PHP。

here is the one of the codes. 这是其中一种代码。

world.mount_proc("/enroll") { |req, res|
HTTPAuth.basic_auth(req, res, "realm") {|user, password|
    user == 'apple' && password == 'apple'

res['Content-Type'] = "application/x-apple-aspen-config"
configuration = profile_service_payload(req, "signed-auth-token")
signed_profile = OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign(@@ssl_cert, @@ssl_key, 
        configuration, [], OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY)
res.body = signed_profile.to_der


What kind of language is this? 这是哪种语言?

You cannot read UDIDs from Safari. 您无法从Safari读取UDID。

The code you're looking at is written in Ruby. 您正在查看的代码是用Ruby编写的。 However, it's part of a iPhone configuration profile server, not a normal web application -- it's only usable as part of a corporate iOS deployment process. 但是,它是iPhone配置文件服务器的一部分,而不是普通的Web应用程序-仅在公司iOS部署过程中可用。

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