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为什么我用 Google Closure 编写的事件侦听器不起作用?

[英]Why is my event listener written in Google Closure not working?

I have a function in my Google Closure code with an event listener that aims to append HTML generated by a soy template to the body when the body loads:我的 Google Closure 代码中有一个函数,它带有一个事件侦听器,旨在在主体加载时将 soy 模板生成的 HTML 附加到主体:

 * Constructs the home page.
AppLoader.prototype.constructHomePage = function() {
  goog.events.listen(document.body, 'onload', function() {
      document.body.innerHTML = templates.home.main();});

(new AppLoader()).constructHomePage();

However, it does not work.但是,它不起作用。 Chrome Console also offers no errors. Chrome 控制台也没有错误提示。 What I have tried is the below code, which uses the addEventListener function native to javascript.我试过的是下面的代码,它使用了 javascript 原生的 addEventListener 函数。

... class instantiation
 * Constructs the home page.
AppLoader.prototype.constructHomePage = function() {
  document.body.innerHTML = templates.home.main();

document.body.addEventListener('load', function() {
  (new AppLoader()).constructHomePage();
}, false);

This latter method works, but does not use Closure at all, so I don't feel that it is reliable.后一种方法可以,但是根本没有用到Closure,所以感觉不靠谱。 Why is my event listener written in Google Closure not working?为什么我用 Google Closure 编写的事件侦听器不起作用?

you should stop the browser events.你应该停止浏览器事件。


You should attach it to the window object.您应该将它附加到窗口对象。

, goog.events.EventType.LOAD
, function(){
    window.alert( 'Ready for ADVANCED_COMPILATION!' );

You can use Google Closure if you listen for a "load" event on the 'window' object instead of the document body.如果您在“窗口”对象而不是文档主体上侦听“加载”事件,则可以使用 Google Closure。

Try this: goog.events.listen(window, "load", function(){//code })试试这个: goog.events.listen(window, "load", function(){//code })

PS, I'm sorry that my answer is 8 years late PS,很抱歉我的回答晚了8年

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