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[英]Converting a vb.Net Project to C# .Net Project

I've tried converting vb.net to C# but I keep getting error while compiling. 我尝试将vb.net转换为C#,但是在编译时始终出错。 I am new to .NET. 我是.NET的新手。 This is my version of converted image utilities class. 这是我转换后的图像实用程序类的版本。 Util.cs Util.cs

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Com.Griaule.IcaoFace;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace IcaoWF
public class Util

    //Set if the mouth is important

    public const bool USES_MOUTH = true;
    //The number of supported pictures

    const int SFile = 3;
    public const int FEATURES_COLOR = (255 << 8);

    public const int FEATURES_SIZE = 8;
    //File Vector with spec ID

    TFile[] VTFile = new TFile[SFile + 1];
    //Pointers to the .NET classes
    public FaceImage GrFaceImage = null;
    public IcaoImage GrIcaoImage = null;
    public CbeffImage GrCbeffImage = null;

    public Cbeff GrCbeff = null;

    ListBox log;

    // raw image data type.
    public struct TRawImage
        // Image data.
        public object img;
        // Image width.
        public int width;
        // Image height.
        public int height;
        //Reduction Factor because stretch
        public float frX;
        public float frY;
        //Eyes an mouth positions
        public int lx;
        public int ly;
        public int rx;
        public int ry;
        public int mx;
        public int my;

    // File Enum Type
    public enum EFile
        BMP = 1,
        JPEG2000 = 2,
        CBEFF = 3,
        NOTDEF = 0

    //File Type
    private struct TFile
        //File Extension
        public string fileExt;
        //File Type
        public EFile fileID;

    //Class constructor

    public Util(ListBox ltBox)
        //Adding Supportted files
        VTFile[1].fileExt = ".bmp";
        VTFile[1].fileID = EFile.BMP;
        VTFile[2].fileExt = ".jp2";
        VTFile[2].fileID = EFile.JPEG2000;
        VTFile[3].fileExt = ".cbeff";
        VTFile[3].fileID = EFile.CBEFF;

        log = ltBox;

    public void WriteError(GriauleIcaoFaceException err)
        WriteLog("Error: " + err.ToString());

    // Write a message in box.
    public void WriteLog(string message)
        log.SelectedIndex = log.Items.Count - 1;

    //Get the ID File Type from file path name
    public EFile GetFileType(string fileName)
        EFile functionReturnValue = default(EFile);
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= SFile; i++)
            if (Strings.InStr(1, fileName, VTFile[i].fileExt) == Strings.Len(fileName) - Strings.Len(VTFile[i].fileExt) + 1)
                functionReturnValue = VTFile[i].fileID;
                return functionReturnValue;
        functionReturnValue = EFile.NOTDEF;
        return functionReturnValue;

    //Loading an Image
    public bool LoadImage(string fileName, PictureBox img)

        // create face image from file        
        GrFaceImage = new FaceImage(fileName);

        // display face image
        DisplayFaceImage(img, false);

        WriteLog("Image loaded successfully.");

        return true;

    //Process the raw Image to FaceImage Type and paint the points on pBox
    public bool ProcessFaceImage(PictureBox pBox)

        //Set mouth to be relevant to generate the ICAO
        GrFaceImage.MouthDetectionEnabled = USES_MOUTH;

        WriteLog("Finding the eyes and mouth positions. Please, wait...");

        //Get the positions from mouth and eyes
        if (GetPositionsFromFaceImage())
            WriteLog("Eyes and mouth founded. Drawing their positions on the image.");
            //Display Face Image with eyes and mouth drawn
            DisplayFaceImage(pBox, true);
            return true;
            //Display Face Image
            DisplayFaceImage(pBox, false);
            return false;

    //Display the ICAO Image

    public void DisplayIcaoImg(PictureBox imgIcao)
        if (GrFaceImage.LeftEye.X <= 0 | GrFaceImage.LeftEye.Y <= 0 | GrFaceImage.LeftEye.X > GrFaceImage.Width | GrFaceImage.LeftEye.Y > GrFaceImage.Height)
            WriteLog("Left eye is out of bounds.");

        if (GrFaceImage.RightEye.X <= 0 | GrFaceImage.RightEye.Y <= 0 | GrFaceImage.RightEye.X > GrFaceImage.Width | GrFaceImage.RightEye.Y > GrFaceImage.Height)
            WriteLog("Right eye is out of bounds.");

        if (GrFaceImage.Mouth.X <= 0 | GrFaceImage.Mouth.Y <= 0 | GrFaceImage.Mouth.X > GrFaceImage.Width | GrFaceImage.Mouth.Y > GrFaceImage.Height)
            WriteLog("Mouth is out of bounds.");

        //Get the GrIcaoImage
            GrIcaoImage = GrFaceImage.FullFrontalImage(imgIcao.Width, 3.0 / 4.0, IcaoImage.IcaoFullFrontalMode.FullFrontal);
        catch (GriauleIcaoFaceException ex)

        //Getting the eyes positons from icao
        if (GetPositionsFromIcaoImage())
            //Displaying the icao image

        WriteLog("ICAO image generated.");


    //Display Face Image

    public void DisplayFaceImage(PictureBox pBox, bool withFeatures)
        if (withFeatures)
            pBox.Image = GrFaceImage.ImageWithFeatures(8, Color.Green);
            pBox.Image = GrFaceImage.Image;



    //Display Cbeff Image

    public void DisplayCbeffImage(PictureBox pBox)
        pBox.Image = GrCbeffImage.Image;


    //Display Icao Image

    public void DisplayIcaoImage(PictureBox pBox)
        pBox.Image = GrIcaoImage.Image;


    //Save ICAO in CBEFF file format

    public void SaveIcaoIntoCBEFFImage(string fileName)
        // Create a CBEFF from Icao        

        if (GetCbeffFromIcao())
            //Get the CBEFF buffer
                SaveBuffer(fileName, ref GrCbeff.CBEFF);
            catch (GriauleIcaoFaceException ex)



    //Load an ICAO image from CBEFF file format
    public void LoadIcaoFromCBEFFImage(string fileName, PictureBox pBox)
        //Creating the cbeff from the buffer
            GrCbeff = new Cbeff(LoadBuffer(fileName));
            GrCbeffImage = GrCbeff.Image(0);
        catch (GriauleIcaoFaceException ex)

        // Display icao image        


    //Save ICAO image in JPEG2000 file format
    public void SaveIcaoIntoJP2Image(string fileName)
        // Create a CBEFF from Icao
        if (!GetCbeffFromIcao())

        //Get Jpeg2000 buffer from CBEFF and save it in a file        
        SaveBuffer(fileName, ref GrCbeffImage.BufferJPEG);

    //Save Byte Buffer into a file
    private void SaveBuffer(string fileName, ref byte[] buffer)
        System.IO.FileStream oFileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        System.IO.BinaryWriter swb = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(oFileStream);

    //Load stream from file
    private byte[] LoadBuffer(string fileName)
        // Open a file that is to be loaded into a byte array
        FileInfo oFile = null;
        oFile = new FileInfo(fileName);

        System.IO.FileStream oFileStream = oFile.OpenRead();
        long lBytes = oFileStream.Length;
        byte[] fileData = new byte[lBytes + 1];

        // Read the file into a byte array
        oFileStream.Read(fileData, 0, lBytes);

        return fileData;

    //Get CBEFF image from an Icao image
    private bool GetCbeffFromIcao()
        //Create Cbeff Image Data pointer
        GrCbeff = new Cbeff();
        GrCbeffImage = GrCbeff.AddImage(GrIcaoImage, false, 0);

        GrCbeffImage.Gender = CbeffImage.CbeffGender.Unknown;
        GrCbeffImage.Eyes = CbeffImage.CbeffEyes.Unspecified;
        GrCbeffImage.Hair = CbeffImage.CbeffHair.Unspecified;
        GrCbeffImage.FeatureMask = 0;
        GrCbeffImage.Expression = CbeffImage.CbeffExpression.Unspecified;

        return true;

    //Get eyes and mouth position from Face Image
    public bool GetPositionsFromFaceImage()
        float prob = 0;
        //Get the eyes detection probabilty        
        prob = GrFaceImage.DetectionProbability;
        if (prob == 0)
            Interaction.MsgBox("There isn't any probability to find the eyes position.", Constants.vbCritical, "No probability");
            return false;
        return true;

    //Get eyes and mouth position from ICAO Image
    public bool GetPositionsFromIcaoImage()
        //get the position from an icao image.
        float prob = 0;
        prob = GrIcaoImage.DetectionProbability;
        if (prob <= 0)
            WriteLog("There isn't any probability to find the eyes position.");
            return false;
        return true;

    //Set left eye position on library
    public void SetLeftEyePos(int x, int y)
        GrFaceImage.LeftEye = new Point(x, y);

    //Set right eye position on library
    public void SetRightEyePos(int x, int y)
        GrFaceImage.RightEye = new Point(x, y);

    //Set mouth position on library
    public void SetMouthPos(int x, int y)
        if (x > 0 & x < GrFaceImage.Width & y > 0 & y < GrFaceImage.Height)
            Point p = new Point(x, y);
            GrFaceImage.Mouth = p;

    //Marshal between library and VB .NET. Copy an Variant Array to Byte() vector
    public byte[] ConvertArrayToVByte(Array buffer)
        GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Length + 1];
        Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
        return bytes;

    // Show GriauleAfis version and type
    public void MessageVersion()
        int majorVersion = 0;
        int minorVersion = 0;

        GriauleIcaoFace.GetVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion);
        MessageBox.Show("The GrIcaoFace DLL version is " + majorVersion + "." + minorVersion + ".", "GrIcaoFace Version", MessageBoxButtons.OK);


I keep get error with this error: 我不断收到此错误的错误:

The type or namespace name 'ListBox' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?). 找不到类型或名称空间名称“ ListBox”(是否缺少using指令或程序集引用?)。
The type or namespace name 'PictureBox' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?). 找不到类型或名称空间名称“ PictureBox”(您是否缺少using指令或程序集引用?)。

And here is the formMain.cs 这是formMain.cs

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace IcaoWF
public partial class formMain : Form
    public formMain(): base()
        Load += formMain_Load;

    // raw image data type.
    private struct TSetting
        // Image data.
        public Button button;
        // Image width.
        public Label x;
        public Label y;
        public bool setting;
    TSetting CSetting = new TSetting();

    Util myUtil = default(Util);
    private void formMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Setting file filters
        ldImg.Filter = "JPEG Images (*.jpg,*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|Gif Images (*.gif)|*.gif|Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp";
        ldIcaoImg.Filter = "CBEFF (*.cbeff)|*.cbeff";
        svIcaoImg.Filter = "JPEG2000 (*.jp2)|*.jp2|CBEFF (*.cbeff)|*.cbeff";
        myUtil = new Util(logBox);

        //Verifieing if the mouth is important
        gbMouth.Enabled = myUtil.USES_MOUTH;

    //Unlock the interface and update the clicked iten
    private void interfaceSetStop(int x, int y)
        if (CSetting.setting) {
            //Set the CSetting to false
            CSetting.setting = false;
            //Set positions from mouse to CSetting text selected
            CSetting.x.Text = x.ToString();
            CSetting.y.Text = y.ToString();
            //Enable Set button again
            CSetting.button.Enabled = true;
            //Set the normal cursor above image
            imgFace.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
            //Enable all butons, disabled before

            //Sets new position from image
            myUtil.SetLeftEyePos(lbLeftEyeXPos.Text, lbLeftEyeYPos.Text);
            myUtil.SetRightEyePos(lbRightEyeXPos.Text, lbRightEyeYPos.Text);
            if (myUtil.USES_MOUTH) {
                myUtil.SetMouthPos(lbMouthXPos.Text, lbMouthYPos.Text);

            //Redraw img
            myUtil.DisplayFaceImage(imgFace, true);

    //Initialize the program interface
    private void InitializeInterface()
        //Disable butons
        //Disbable image picture box
        imgFace.Enabled = false;
        //Current setting eye or mouth to false
        CSetting.setting = false;
        //Disable Save ICAO image
        mnFileSaveIcaoImg.Enabled = false;
        //Reset the logBox 

    //Enable all butons from interface
    private void EnableButtons()
        btGenIcaoImage.Enabled = true;
        btLeftEyeSet.Enabled = true;
        btMouthSet.Enabled = true;
        btRightEyeSet.Enabled = true;
        btProcess.Enabled = true;
        imgFace.Enabled = true;

    //Set the inteface to click on the image
    private void btLeftEyeSet_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        interfaceSetStart(btLeftEyeSet, lbLeftEyeXPos, lbLeftEyeYPos);

    //Set the inteface to click on the image
    private void lbRightEyeSet_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        interfaceSetStart(btRightEyeSet, lbRightEyeXPos, lbRightEyeYPos);

    //Set the inteface to click on the image
    private void btMouthSet_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        interfaceSetStart(btMouthSet, lbMouthXPos, lbMouthYPos);

    //Lock the interface to click on image
    private void interfaceSetStart(Button button, Label x, Label y)
        //Set the clicked button set
        CSetting.button = button;
        //set the label to update the position
        CSetting.x = x;
        CSetting.y = y;
        //Enable set mode
        CSetting.setting = true;
        //Disable the button
        button.Enabled = false;
        //Enable Cross cursor on image
        imgFace.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
        //Disable button to avoid user to click in another area

    //Disable all buttons from interface
    private void DisableButtons()
        btGenIcaoImage.Enabled = false;
        btLeftEyeSet.Enabled = false;
        btMouthSet.Enabled = false;
        btRightEyeSet.Enabled = false;
        btProcess.Enabled = false;

    //On click on the image, stop the interface and set the right position
    private void imgFace_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        interfaceSetStop(e.X / (imgFace.Width / myUtil.GrFaceImage.Width), e.Y / (imgFace.Height / myUtil.GrFaceImage.Height));

    //Gen the ICAO image from FaceImage
    private void btGenIcaoImage_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Display ICAO image captured
        mnFileSaveIcaoImg.Enabled = true;

    //Load Icao IMAGE From CBEFF or JPEG2000
    private void mnFileLoadIcaoImg_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        Util.EFile fileType = default(Util.EFile);
        ldIcaoImg.FileName = "";

        //save the ICAO image
        if (ldIcaoImg.ShowDialog == DialogResult.OK & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldIcaoImg.FileName))
            fileType = myUtil.GetFileType(ldIcaoImg.FileName);
            switch (fileType)

                case Util.EFile.CBEFF:
                    //Save CBEFF image
                    myUtil.LoadIcaoFromCBEFFImage(ldIcaoImg.FileName, imgIcaoImg);
                    //Image type not found
                    myUtil.WriteLog("File type not supported.");

    //Save ICAO Image
    private void mnFileSaveIcaoImg_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        Util.EFile fileType = default(Util.EFile);
        svIcaoImg.FileName = "";

        //save the ICAO image
        if (svIcaoImg.ShowDialog == DialogResult.OK & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(svIcaoImg.FileName))
            fileType = myUtil.GetFileType(svIcaoImg.FileName);
            switch (fileType)

                case Util.EFile.CBEFF:
                    //Save CBEFF image

                case Util.EFile.JPEG2000:
                    //Save JPEG200 image

                    //Image type not found
                    myUtil.WriteLog("File type not supported.");

    //Load Image

    private void mnFileLoadImg_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        lbLeftEyeXPos.Text = "0";
        lbLeftEyeYPos.Text = "0";
        lbRightEyeXPos.Text = "0";
        lbRightEyeYPos.Text = "0";
        lbMouthXPos.Text = "0";
        lbMouthYPos.Text = "0";

        //Disable buttons

        //Enable image
        imgFace.Enabled = true;
        //Set file name image to null
        ldImg.FileName = "";
        if (ldImg.ShowDialog == DialogResult.OK & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldImg.FileName))
            //load image from FileName into imgFace Picture Box

            if (myUtil.LoadImage(ldImg.FileName, imgFace))
                //Set the icaoImage to null
                imgIcaoImg.Image = null;

                //Disble mnFileSaveIcaoImg to save
                mnFileSaveIcaoImg.Enabled = false;

                //Disable buttons

                //Enable find eyes and mouth button
                btProcess.Enabled = true;

    //Close the program
    private void MenuItem5_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    //Process the Face Image
    private void btProcess_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Enable buttons to set eyes and mouth

        //Process face image

        if (myUtil.ProcessFaceImage(imgFace))
            //Get positions from face image
            lbLeftEyeXPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.LeftEye.X.ToString();
            lbLeftEyeYPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.LeftEye.Y.ToString();
            lbRightEyeXPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.RightEye.X.ToString();
            lbRightEyeYPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.RightEye.Y.ToString();
            lbMouthXPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.Mouth.X.ToString();
            lbMouthYPos.Text = myUtil.GrFaceImage.Mouth.Y.ToString();



    //Print the DLL version
    private void mnVersion_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


I can post the vb.net version if needed. 如果需要,我可以发布vb.net版本。

EDITED: I have added refference(System.Windows.Forms.dll) to the project and all the other am using. 编辑:我已经添加了refference(System.Windows.Forms.dll)到项目,所有其他正在使用。

thanx Nurcky thanx Nurcky

ListBox is defined in the assembly System.Windows.Forms.dll. ListBox在程序集System.Windows.Forms.dll中定义。 Make sure you have a reference to that assembly. 确保您有对该程序集的引用。

Additionally you probably want 另外,您可能想要

using System.Windows.Forms;

Use the System.Windows.Forms namespace. 使用System.Windows.Forms命名空间。 To use the System.Windows.Forms namespace, you have to add System.Windows.Forms.dll as a reference. 若要使用System.Windows.Forms命名空间,必须添加System.Windows.Forms.dll作为引用。

To add the reference,follow the following step: 要添加参考,请执行以下步骤:

In Solution Explorer, right-click on the project node and click Add Reference. 在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击项目节点,然后单击“添加引用”。

In the Add Reference dialog box, select the .NET tab and choose System.Windows.Forms and click OK. 在“添加引用”对话框中,选择“ .NET”选项卡,然后选择“ System.Windows.Forms”,然后单击“确定”。

Both the ListBox and PictureBox controls are found in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. 在System.Windows.Forms命名空间中可以找到ListBox和PictureBox控件。 Add the following statement to the top of your code: 将以下语句添加到代码顶部:

using System.Windows.Forms; 使用System.Windows.Forms;

Then add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll 然后添加对System.Windows.Forms.dll的引用

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