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[英]Fixing absolute positioning in Android

I have my website and it looks great everywhere however I'm not a professional coder for Android. 我有我的网站,它看起来很棒,但我不是Android的专业编码器。 I do not know the extra quirks it has and I'm not sure hoe much I really need to know. 我不知道它有多余的怪癖,我不确定锄头我真的需要知道。 Is there a way to single it out like in conditional comments for IE? 有没有办法像IE中的条件评论一样单独输出?

Here is my website and the banner and logo appear off to the left hand side of the screen. 这是我的网站 ,横幅和徽标显示在屏幕的左侧。 I have a Samsung Galaxy 3 and this is what my banner looks like on it. 我有一个三星Galaxy 3,这就是我的横幅看起来像。


Now I realize why this is happening, it's because they are both absolutely positioned and obviously the margin-left is making it go off screen. 现在我意识到为什么会发生这种情况,这是因为它们都是绝对定位的,显然margin-leftmargin-left使得它离开屏幕。 However I can't change that without destroying the layout for all the regular desktop browsers. 但是,如果不破坏所有常规桌面浏览器的布局,我无法改变它。

    #site-title { background: url(img/heavensgate-logo.jpg) no-repeat; width: 229px;height: 297px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 50%; margin-left: -438px; z-index: 2; border: 0px; text-indent: -9999px; }

#banner { position: absolute; top: 165px; width:868px; left: 50%; margin-left: -448px; z-index: 1; padding: 15px; background-color:
#fff; border: 1px solid #b4b4b4; }

<h1 id="site-title"><span><a href="http://heavensgatewinery.ca/" title="Heavens Gate Winery" rel="home">Heavens Gate Winery</a></span></h1>

    <div id="banner">
    <img src="http://heavensgatewinery.ca/wp-content/uploads/banner8.jpg" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; top: 0px; left: 0px; border: 0px none;">

I'm confused as to how I should work with getting the banner and logo to work with Android. 我对如何使用横幅和徽标与Android合作感到困惑。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。


<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position:absolute;"></div></div>

Although this is not the problem described there, the Android browser has another issue regarding absolute positioning; 虽然这不是那里描述的问题,但Android浏览器还有另一个关于绝对定位的问题; absolutely positioned DIVs disappear. 绝对定位的DIV消失了。 The solution Paweł Komarnicki found is -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden : PawełKomarnicki发现的解决方案是-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden

<div style="position: relative">
    <div style="position: absolute; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden">

My problem is in my Android (Samsung) that unless the other answers, left: in px gives the right position (absolute) but left: in % goes to position 0. Even eg left: 10px; 我的问题是在我的Android(三星)中,除非其他答案,左:在px中给出正确的位置(绝对)但是左:在%中进入位置0.即使例如左:10px; left: 20%; 左:20%; goes to position 0, calc() does not work either in left:, but works in width in a limited way. 转到位置0,calc()在left:中不起作用,但在宽度上以有限的方式工作。

So I think % does not work for left: in an Android. 所以我认为%不适合左派:在Android中。 So I thought in the above problem left:50% was the problem, I am wondering it was solved with position relative / absolute. 所以我想在上面的问题中留下了:50%是问题,我想知道它是通过位置相对/绝对来解决的。 I did the same but no solution! 我做了同样但没有解决方案! No difference either when using -webkit-backface-visibility! 使用-webkit-backface-visibility时没有区别!

The solution: in stead of left: 17%, use left: calc(17%) and the other fixed px for left: are taken, but % does not work!!! 解决方案:代替左:17%,使用左:calc(17%)和左边的另一个固定px:被采取,但%不起作用!

I did some testing that I suppose is relevant to this question. 我做了一些我认为与这个问题相关的测试。 I wanted to center a SVG element inside a div .The code was not rendered correctly in Android 4.2.2 . 我想把一个SVG元素放在div 。这个代码在Android 4.2.2中没有正确呈现。 Now when I change translate to translate3d the problem is fixed. 现在当我将translate更改为translate3d ,问题就解决了。 I've a made a piece of code that you can see both translate and translate3d side-by-side. 我做了一段代码,你可以看到translatetranslate3d并排。 My Android browser only renders the translate3d version correctly; 我的Android浏览器只能正确呈现translate3d版本; possibly because of forced hardware acceleration. 可能是因为强制硬件加速。 Note that I used a tiny Javascript code to copy the svg from one div to another. 请注意,我使用一个小的Javascript代码将svg从一个div复制到另一个div Here's the code snippet and the codepen: 这是代码片段和代码集:

Codepen: https://codepen.io/ehsabd/pen/yxOPOe Codepen: https ://codepen.io/ehsabd/pen/yxOPOe

 document.getElementById('test-translate3d').innerHTML = document.getElementById('test-translate').innerHTML; 
 #test-translate, #test-translate3d{ background: lightgray; margin:20px; float: left; position:relative; padding:100px; } #test-translate svg, #test-translate3d svg{ position:absolute; width:100px; left: 50%; top: 50%; } #test-translate svg{ -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } #test-translate3d svg{ -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0); } 
 <!--I've tested this on Android 4.2.2 native browser and I've seen that the first heart from left (which uses translate is not centered but the second heart (translate3d) is appropriately centered)--> <div id="test-translate"> <svg id="svg19871" sodipodi:docname="remigho_like(paths).svg" viewBox="0 0 604.96 556.17" version="1.1" inkscape:version="0.48.5 r10040" > <g id="layer1" inkscape:label="Calque 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer" transform="translate(-69.568 -427.74)" > <path id="path18741" sodipodi:nodetypes="csscssccc" style="color:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:53.15;fill:none" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" d="m586.75 734.03c37.196-28.491 61.2-73.36 61.2-123.83 0-86.088-69.799-155.89-155.89-155.89-48.272 0-91.426 21.952-120.02 56.407-28.592-34.455-71.746-56.407-120.02-56.407-86.088 0-155.89 69.799-155.89 155.89 0 50.469 24.003 95.338 61.2 123.83l214.72 223.3z" /> </g> </svg> </div> <div id="test-translate3d"></div> 

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