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在我的HTML select标签中添加一个“全部”选项

[英]Adding an “all” option to my HTML select tag

So I'm on my way to completing my website. 因此,我正在完善自己的网站。 However I was wondering, how can I structure my SQL statement so when I click the submit button with an option having "all" I get all the results in that field with the addition of the other criteria. 但是我想知道,如何构造我的SQL语句,所以当我单击带有“全部”选项的“提交”按钮时,我将获得该字段中所有其他结果的附加结果。 If you know any good tutorials could you please recommend one. 如果您知道任何优秀的教程,可以推荐一个。

<select name="make" id ="make" size="0">
    <option selected ="all">All</option>
    <option value="bmw">BMW</option>
    <option value="honda">Honda</option>
    <option value ="nissan">Nissan</option>
    <option value="toyota">Toyota</option>

$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM  `chjadb_vehicles` WHERE  `v_make` LIKE '$make');

Here's one approach that only requires changing the SQL: 这是只需要更改SQL的一种方法:

FROM chjadb_vehicles
WHERE (v_make = '$make' OR '$make' = 'all')

The parentheses are not strictly necessary here but I added them anyway in case you later decide to add another AND ... condition. 此处的括号不是严格必需的,但是无论如何我还是添加了它们,以防您稍后决定添加另一个AND ...条件。

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