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[英]How can I implement MVVM with offline storage and Knockout.js?

I can implement Mvvm with Knockout.js. 我可以用Knockout.js实现Mvvm。 But I want to use it with cross browser(FF and Chrome) supported Html 5 offline storage. 但我希望将它与跨浏览器(FF和Chrome)支持的Html 5离线存储一起使用。

I want to bind html objects to offline storage. 我想将html对象绑定到脱机存储。

I haven't tried it, but there is a knockout.localStorage project on GitHub , that seems to be what you are looking for. 我没有尝试过,但是在GitHub上有一个knockout.localStorage 项目 ,这似乎是你在寻找的。

With that plugin, you should be able to pass an object as a second argument, when you create your observable, which saves the observable into localStorage. 使用该插件,您应该能够在创建observable时将对象作为第二个参数传递,从而将observable保存到localStorage中。

From the documentation: 从文档:

var viewModel = {
  name: ko.observable('James', {persist: 'name'})


You can use a library such as amplify.js which can serialize objects to localStorage (cross browser). 您可以使用诸如amplify.js之类的库,它可以将对象序列化为localStorage(跨浏览器)。 It falls back to older storage tools for older browsers too. 它也适用于旧版浏览器的旧版存储工具。 First, unwrap the observables to a JSON object, then use amplify.store to serialize the object and store it. 首先,将observable展开到JSON对象,然后使用amplify.store来序列化对象并存储它。 Then you can pull it back out and map it back to an observable object when you want to fetch it. 然后,当您想要获取它时,可以将其拉出并将其映射回可观察对象。

http://amplifyjs.com/api/store/ http://amplifyjs.com/api/store/

I worked out a solution bases on the subscribe feature of KnockoutJS. 我根据KnockoutJS的subscribe功能制定了一个解决方案。 It takes a model and persist all the observable properties. 它需要一个模型并保留所有observable属性。

ko.persistChanges = function (vm, prefix) {

    if (prefix === undefined) {
        prefix = '';

    for (var n in vm) {

        var observable = vm[n];
        var key = prefix + n;

        if (ko.isObservable(observable) && !ko.isComputed(observable)) {

            //track change of observable
            ko.trackChange(observable, key);

            //force load

Check http://keestalkstech.com/2014/02/automatic-knockout-model-persistence-offline-with-amplify/ for code and JSFiddle example. 检查http://keestalkstech.com/2014/02/automatic-knockout-model-persistence-offline-with-amplify/以获取代码和JSFiddle示例。

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