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[英]Using PHP identical comparision operators with primitive types does make any sense?

Can't get the point of === and !== with primitive types: 使用原始类型无法获得===!==

$a === $b TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
$a !== $b TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.

The assuming that $request->getMethod() returns GET or POST (as string ) and that $form->isValid() returns a boolean true or false , the following code: 假设$request->getMethod()返回GETPOST (作为string ),而$form->isValid()返回布尔值truefalse ,则以下代码:

if('POST' === $request->getMethod() || (false === $form->isValid())) :

Does make any sense in respect of this shorter one: 关于这个较短的内容,是否有意义:

if('POST' == $request->getMethod() || !$form->isValid()) :

They are sometimes necessary. 它们有时是必需的。 For example when using strpos to check if a string is contained in another string you have to distinguish 0 from false . 例如,当使用strpos检查一个字符串是否包含在另一个字符串中时,必须将0false区分开。

wrong: 错误:


right: 对:

if(strpos($haystack,$needle) !== false)...

You have truty and falsy values in PHP. 您在PHP中具有真实和虚假的值。 For instance, 0 , '' , array() are falsy values. 例如, 0''array()是伪造的值。 If you use == it will match those values with the truty/falsy values: 如果使用==它将使这些值与truty / falsy值匹配:

var_dump(true == 'hello'); // true because a not empty string is a truty value
var_dump(false == 0); // true

=== will match not only the value but the type also: ===将不仅匹配值,而且还匹配类型:

var_dump(true === 'hello'); // false, true is a boolean and 'hello' a string
var_dump(false === 0); // false, false is a boolean and 0 is a string

This will become a problem when a function can return 0 or false , strpos for example. 这会成为一个问题,当一个函数可以返回0falsestrpos例如。

There are also other factors with the == . ==还有其他因素。 It will type cast values to a int if you compare 2 different types: 如果您比较两种不同的类型,它将强制类型转换为int

var_dump("123abc" == 123); // true, because '123abc' becomes `123`

This will be problematic if you compare a password: http://phpsadness.com/sad/47 如果您比较密码,这将是有问题的: http : //phpsadness.com/sad/47

== will sometimes have odd behavior when comparing different types. 比较不同类型时, ==有时会出现奇怪的行为。 Eg 'POST' would be considered equal to 0 . 例如, 'POST'将被视为等于0 That's why many people usually use === , it avoids type-juggling problems. 这就是为什么许多人通常使用=== ,它避免了类型变乱的问题。

In your case it shouldn't make a difference though. 在您的情况下,它应该不会有所作为。

although it may not be needed, 尽管可能不需要




are not the same as the first is checking to see if the value of $form->isValid() is false, while the second is checking if $form->isValid() is a falsey value, so for example if $form->isValid() returns null then the first statement will not evaluate to true while the second one will evluate to true. 与第一个检查$form->isValid()是否为false不同,第二个检查$form->isValid()的值是否为falsey,例如$form->isValid()返回null则第一条语句的计算结果不为true,而第二条语句的计算结果为true。

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