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[英]Unfamiliar Form icons in VB6 project

I'm a C# programmer and my knowledge about VB is practically zero. 我是C#程序员,而我对VB的了解几乎为零。 Ironically, at my work currently i'm working on a project which is based on a legacy VB6 version. 具有讽刺意味的是,在我目前的工作中,我正在基于旧版VB6版本进行项目开发。 And I find a lot of stuff unfamiliar to me, like the two following Form icons. 而且我发现了很多我不熟悉的东西,例如以下两个“窗体”图标。
在此处输入图片说明 and 在此处输入图片说明

This second icon looks kinda blurry, like hidden files or folders in Windows Explorer. 第二个图标看起来有点模糊,就像Windows资源管理器中的隐藏文件或文件夹。 Can anyone tell the difference between these two? 谁能说出两者之间的区别? What do they imply about the Form in question? 他们对所涉表格有何暗示?

The icon that shows a large visible form and a small blurred form is an MDI Parent form. 显示较大的可见形式和较小的模糊形式的图标是MDI父窗体。 The icon that shows a large blurred form and a small visible form is an MDI Child form. 显示较大的模糊形式和较小的可见形式的图标是MDI子级形式。

You can see the difference in the following side-by-side comparison: 您可以通过以下并排比较看到差异:

VB 6 automatically names new MDI Parent forms MDIFormN , where N is a number. VB 6自动命名新的MDI父窗体MDIFormN ,其中N是数字。 MDI child forms are just regular forms with the MDIChild property set to True . MDI子窗体只是将MDIChild属性设置为True常规窗体。

The MDI acronym, of course, refers to a multiple document interface . MDI的缩写当然是指多文档接口 You can read more about MDI applications in Windows here on MSDN . 您可以在MSDN上阅读有关Windows中MDI应用程序的更多信息。

The icon with the faint inset form is for an MDI parent form. 带有微弱插入格式的图标用于MDI父窗体。 If you created an MDI child form it would have a similar icon, but less faint. 如果创建了MDI子窗体,则该窗体将具有类似的图标,但模糊程度较低。

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