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[英]Problems communicating between Node.js and Python via stdio

I'm spawning a Node process from within a Python thread and passing data between them via stdio. 我正在从Python线程中生成Node进程,并通过stdio在它们之间传递数据。 After Python sends something to Node, Node fires up a child process and then sends the output from that child process back to Python. Python将某些内容发送到Node之后,Node会启动一个子进程,然后将该子进程的输出发送回Python。

This works, for a few seconds and then no more data comes. 这可以工作几秒钟,然后再没有更多数据了。 However, if I kill the Node process, then suddenly all of the data comes at once. 但是,如果我终止了Node进程,那么突然所有数据都会立即出现。

I figure this is something to do with buffering but I've tried so many things and can't get it to work properly. 我认为这与缓冲有关,但是我尝试了很多事情,无法使其正常工作。

It's worth mentioning that if I run the monitor outside of Python it works fine, so this is probably something on the Python side. 值得一提的是,如果我在Python外部运行监视器,则可以正常工作,因此这可能是Python方面的事情。

Relevant Python code: 相关的Python代码:

class MonitorThread(Thread):
    # *snip*

    def run(self):
        self.process = Popen(['node',
            path.join(PACKAGE_PATH 'monitor.js')],
            stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

        while self.process.poll() is None:
            stdout = self.process.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n')

            if stdout:
                main_thread(debug, stdout)

            stderr = self.process.stderr.readline().rstrip('\n')

            if stderr:
                main_thread(debug, stderr)


Relevant Node.js code (in CoffeeScript but even if you don't know it you get the idea): 相关的Node.js代码(在CoffeeScript中,但即使您不知道,也可以理解):

# *snip*

child = spawn cmd, options

child.stdout.on 'data', (data) ->
    process.stdout.write "stdout: #{data.toString().trim()}\n"

child.stderr.on 'data', (data) ->
    process.stdout.write "stderr: #{data.toString().trim()}\n"

There's a lot of other code but it's not really relevant, data is being sent and then afterwards data is being received, just only for a moment. 还有很多其他代码,但实际上并没有什么关系,先发送数据,然后再接收数据,仅一会儿。 It IS still running as when I kill it manually, the rest of the data suddenly appears. 当我手动将其杀死时,它仍在运行,其余数据突然出现。

Monitor [send] - {"wrap": false, "directories": {"src": "lib"}, "id": 0, "base_dir": "C:\\Users\\Joe\\Documents\\GitHub\\CoffeeScript-Sublime-Plugin"}
Monitor [recv] - 13:55:30 - compiled src\a.coffee
Monitor [recv] - path.exists is now called `fs.exists`.
Monitor [recv] - 13:55:30 - compiled src\b.coffee
  • I've tried util.pump() 我试过util.pump()
  • I've tried, with the spawn() call, stdio: 'inherit' 我已经尝试过使用spawn()调用stdio:'inherit'
  • I've tried waiting for the 'drain' event before sending more data. 我尝试过等待“排水”事件,然后再发送更多数据。

You should also pass the end event to close the streams and have node flush them: 您还应该传递end事件以关闭流并让节点刷新它们:

child = spawn cmd, options


child.stdout.on 'data', (data) ->
    process.stdout.write "stdout: #{data.toString().trim()}\n"

child.stdout.on 'end', () ->

child.stderr.on 'end', () ->

An even better option would be to use Stream.pipe() . 更好的选择是使用Stream.pipe()

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