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[英]Using Xpath in java to extract a value from a large xml file

I would like to extract a single value from a large xml file (part of a much larger xml project that I'm working on) 我想从一个大型xml文件中提取单个值(我正在处理的一个更大的xml项目的一部分)

So the xml structure is like this: 所以xml结构是这样的:

            <m:Report_Data> (last value)
                <m:Data_Item> (must be specific type)
                <m:Value> (want this)

After this all tags close properly

So right xpath query looks something like this: 因此正确的xpath查询如下所示:

XPathExpression expr = x.compile("//m:Report/m:Messages/m:Report_type/m:Report_Data[m:Data_Iten='PRICE'][last()]/m:Value/text()") ;

I'm not having much luck with this query, where am I going wrong? 我在此查询中运气不佳,我在哪里出错?

There are simply errors in your query. 您的查询中仅存在错误。 Report_type should be report_type and Data_Iten should be Data_Item : Report_type应该是report_typeData_Iten应该是Data_Item

XPathExpression expr = x.compile("//m:Report/m:Messages/m:report_type/m:Report_Data[m:Data_Item='PRICE'][last()]/m:Value/text()");

Assuming that you have a Data_Item in your input data with PRICE , then this should get you the <m:Value> . 假设您的PRICE输入数据中有一个Data_Item ,那么这应该为您提供<m:Value>

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