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[英]How can I optimize this 'lottery' function in PHP?

Earlier I wrote a code in Matlab for this sort of lottery function, just to test if it was possible. 早些时候,我在Matlab中为此类彩票功能编写了代码,只是为了测试是否可行。 However, I actually needed it in PHP so I've just rewritten the code and it does seem to work, but as it involves a lot of looping I want to make sure I'm doing it as efficiently as possible. 但是,实际上我在PHP中需要它,因此我只是重写了代码,它的确起作用了,但是由于涉及很多循环,因此我想确保自己尽可能高效地执行它。

What the code does: 代码的作用是:

You can call the function $lotto -> type($users,$difficulty) and it will return two numbers. 您可以调用函数$lotto -> type($users,$difficulty) ,它将返回两个数字。 Here's the explanation, $users is the number of users registered on the website, ie the people who will potentially buy a ticket. 这就是解释, $users是在网站上注册的用户数,即可能购买票的人。 $difficulty is a number between 1 and 10, where 5 is normal, 1 is easy and 10 is hard. $difficulty是介于1和10之间的数字,其中5是正常值,1是简单值,而10是困难值。 Difficulty here means how hard it is to match all numbers on a lottery ticket. 这里的困难是指匹配彩票中的所有数字有多么困难。

So what are the numbers that the function returns? 那么函数返回的数字是多少? That would be $n and $r . 那将是$n$r $n is the amount of numbers there will be on the lottery ticket, and $r is the amount of numbers you can choose from the lottery ticket. $n是彩票上的数字数量, $r是您可以从彩票中选择的数字数量。 For example, in the UK a national lottery ticket has 49 numbers if which you choose 6. Ie $n = 49 and $r = 6 . 例如,在英国,如果您选择6,则国家彩票有49个号码,即$n = 49$r = 6

How does the function calculate these two numbers? 函数如何计算这两个数字? In the UK national lottery there are 13,983,816 different possible ticket combinations. 在英国国家彩票中,有13,983,816种可能的彩票组合。 If I were to run $lotto -> type(13983816,1) it would return array(49,6) . 如果我运行$lotto -> type(13983816,1) ,它将返回array(49,6) Basically it tried to make it so there are as many combinations of tickets as there are registered users. 基本上,它试图做到这一点,因此,票证组合与注册用户一样多。

tl;dr, here's the code: tl; dr,代码如下:

class lotto {
    public function type($users,$difficulty){
        $current_r = $r = 2;
        $current_n = 0;
        $difficulty = ($difficulty + 5) / 10; // sliding scale from 1 - 10
        $last_tickets_sold = 200; // tickets sold in last lotto
        $last_users = 100; // how many users there were in the last lotto
        $last_factor = $last_tickets_sold / $last_users; // tickets per user
        $factor = $last_factor * $difficulty;
        $users *= $factor;
        while($r <= 10){
            $u = 0;
            $n = $r;
            while($u < $users && $n < 50){
                $u = $this -> nCr(++$n,$r);
            if($r == 2){
                $current_n = $n;
            } elseif(abs($this -> nCr($n,$r) - $users) < abs($this -> nCr($current_n,$current_r) - $users)){
                // this is a better match so update current n and r
                $current_r = $r;
                $current_n = $n;
        return array($current_n,$current_r);
    private function nCr($n,$r){
        return $this -> factorial($n) / (
            $this -> factorial($r) * $this -> factorial($n - $r)
    private function factorial($x){
        $f = $x;
            $f *= $x;
        return $f;
$lotto = new lotto;
print_r($lotto -> type(1000,5));

I did a quick scan and spotted a few places that can be further optimized. 我进行了快速扫描,发现了一些可以进一步优化的地方。

Combination 组合
Your algorithm is a brute force one and can be further optimized 您的算法是蛮力的,可以进一步优化

private function nCr($n,$r){
    return $this -> factorial($n) / (
        $this->factorial($r) * $this->factorial($n - $r)


function nCr($n,$r) {
    $top = 1;
    $sub = 1;

    for($i = $r+1; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $top *= $i;

    $n -= $r;
    for($i = 2; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $sub *= $i;

    return $top / $sub;

Too Much Combination Calculation 组合计算过多
Calculate combination is expensive. 计算组合是昂贵的。

$u = 0;
$n = $r;
while($u < $users && $n < 50){
    $u = $this -> nCr(++$n,$r);


$n = $r + 1;
$u = nCr($n, $r);

while ($u < $users && $n < 50) {
    $u *= $n;
    $u /= ($n - $r);

An immediate observation is that you have the possibility of a divide by 0 error 立即观察到您有可能被0除以错误

$last_factor = $last_tickets_sold / $last_users;

Could be solved by putting a simple if statement around it 可以通过在其周围放一个简单的if语句来解决

$last_factor = ($last_users == 0) ? 0 : $last_tickets_sold / $last_users;


The range of factorial() in your algo is [0,50], so why not just precompute this statically? 您的算法中factorial()的范围是[0,50],那么为什么不静态地对此进行预计算呢?

private static $factorial=array(1);

private static genFactorial($max) {
    if( count( self::$factorial ) > $max ) return;
    foreach ( range(count(self::$factorial), $max) as $n ) {
        self::$factorial[$n] = $i*self::$factorial[$n-1];

Now add a self::genFactorial(50); 现在添加一个self::genFactorial(50); to __construct() or to type() and replace references to $this -> factorial($n) by self::$factorial[$n] . __construct()type()并通过self::$factorial[$n]替换对$this -> factorial($n)的引用。

This is just a quick code dump; 这只是一个快速的代码转储。 not even compile checked so forgive any typos, etc. but what this does is to replace a function call (which includes a while loop) by an array element fetch. 甚至没有检查过编译,因此不能原谅任何错别字等。但这是通过数组元素提取来替换函数调用(包括while循环)。

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