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[英]C# dynamic list dictionary

I'm new to C-sharp. 我是C锋利的新手。 Trying to approach the following issue while avoiding unsafe code. 在避免不安全代码的同时尝试解决以下问题。 Sorry if my description seems excessive; 对不起,如果我的描述似乎过多; just trying to be as clear as possible. 只是想尽可能清楚。

I'm reading a file that has the following format: 我正在读取具有以下格式的文件:

Column1  Column2 Column3
1          a        q
1          a        w
2          a        b
1          e        v
3          w        q
3          q        x
...        ...      ...

I'm trying to create a data structure such that every unique item in "column1" is linked to a{ column2 , column3} pair. 我正在尝试创建一个数据结构,以使“ column1”中的每个唯一项都链接到一对{column2,column3}对。 Something like this: 像这样:

{1} => {a, q}, {a,w} , {e,v}
{2} => {a,b}
{3} => {w,q} , {q,x}

The issue here is that you don't know in advance how many different unique items "column1" will have. 这里的问题是,您事先不知道“ column1”将有多少种不同的独特项。 So far, I have dealt by creating listdictionary variables in advance so that I can just ".add()" the pairs. 到目前为止,我已经预先创建了listdictionary变量,以便可以仅对“ .add()”进行处理。 If I were doing this in C++, I would have some kind of array holding pointers to a structure holding {column2, column 3} pairs.I admit this might not be the best solutions, but it is the line of thought I was following in C#. 如果我使用C ++进行此操作,我将拥有某种数组,其中包含指向包含{column2,column 3}对的结构的指针。我承认这可能不是最佳解决方案,但这是我遵循的思路C#。

In short, I'm asking for suggestions on how to dynamically create a listdictionary , or if there is a better way to approach the problem. 简而言之,我正在寻求有关如何动态创建listdictionary的建议,或者是否存在解决该问题的更好方法。

Assuming that you have the line content on a array, you can work with something like this: 假设您在一个数组中包含行内容,则可以使用以下内容:

        Dictionary<string, List<string[]>> allPairs = new Dictionary<string, List<string[]>>();

        foreach (string currentLine in allLines)
            string[] lineContent = currentLine.Split(" "); //or something like it. Maybe it should be a TAB
            string[] newPair = new string[2];
            newPair[0] = lineContent[1];
            newPair[1] = lineContent[2];

            if (allPairs[lineContent[0]] == null)
                allPairs[lineContent[0]] = new List<string[]>();


Regards 问候

如果已经将数组加载到内存中,则可以使用LINQ ToLookup方法:

overallArray.ToLookup(x => x.Column1, x => new{x.Column2, x.Column3});
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myListDictionary)

I did some research for you, and came up with this code article. 我为您做了一些研究,并想出了这篇代码文章。 check it out. 看看这个。

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.specialized.listdictionary.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/system.collections.specialized.listdictionary.aspx

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