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如何在struts2 textfield标记中将日历对象转换为日期

[英]How to convert a calendar object to date in struts2 textfield tag

I am editing a users profile, I need a way to edit the user's date of birth. 我正在编辑用户个人资料,我需要一种方法来编辑用户的出生日期。 In my action class the dateOfBirth is a Calendar object. 在我的动作类中,dateOfBirth是一个Calendar对象。 Now how can populate the date in the date of birth text field. 现在如何在出生日期文本字段中填充日期。

<s:textfield id="txtDob" name="dateOfBirth" />

public class Person {

    private Calendar dateOfBirth;
    public Calendar getDateOfBirth() {    
        return dateOfBirth;
    public void setDateOfBirth(Calendar dateOfBirth) {    
        this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

when i run the jsp, this is what i get inside the textfield 当我运行jsp时,这就是我进入文本域的内容


Instead of using s:textfield tag try using dojo ajax sx:datetimepicker tag. 而不是使用s:textfield标记尝试使用dojo ajax sx:datetimepicker标记。 Before using dojo tags add respective jars. 在使用dojo标签之前添加相应的jar。

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags"%>
<s:head />
<sx:head />
<sx:datetimepicker name="dateOfBirth" label="Date Of Birth"
     displayFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" />

This is because struts2 has a set of type convertors out of the box and struts2 only supports date conversion and it uses the SHORT format for the Locale associated with the current request. 这是因为struts2有一组开箱即用的类型转换器,struts2只支持日期转换,它使用与当前请求关联的Locale的SHORT格式。

You can create your custom type convertor and can tell struts2 to use that type convertor for Calendar object. 您可以创建自定义类型转换器,并可以告诉struts2将该类型转换器用于Calendar对象。 creating a custom type convertor is quite easy and straight forward.make use of StrutsTypeConverter class being provided by S2 for this purpose 创建自定义类型转换器非常简单直接。可以使用S2为此提供的StrutsTypeConverter

 public class MyConverter extends StrutsTypeConverter {
    public Object convertFromString(Map context, String[] values, Class toClass) {

    public String convertToString(Map context, Object o) {

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