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[英]WordPress blog in website (TYPO3)

I've read quite a few posts asking which was the best way to integrate a blog developed in WordPress in a web site and for what I understood there are two alternatives. 我已经阅读了很多帖子,询问哪种方法是将WordPress开发的博客集成到网站中的最佳方法,而据我了解,有两种选择。

In order to make a blog an element of my web site www.mysite.com/blog I have two choices: 为了使博客成为我的网站www.mysite.com/blog的元素,我有两种选择:

  1. Wrap the blog in a <iframe> and try to make it look as part of the web site as possible (handle templates,etc). 将博客包裹在<iframe>并尝试使其尽可能看起来像网站的一部分(句柄模板等)。 The issue with this one is SEO, because as for what I understand SE won't parse the blog because it is within an iframe. 这个问题是SEO,因为据我了解,SE不会解析博客,因为它位于iframe中。

  2. Install WordPress on the web site server and serve the page www.mysite.com/blog using the WordPress backend. 在网站服务器上安装WordPress,并使用WordPress后端提供页面www.mysite.com/blog。

Now the thing is that the web site runs TYPO3 and I'd like to know which of these options is the best to make the user believe the blog is part of the web site. 现在,问题是该网站运行TYPO3,我想知道以下哪个选项最能使用户相信博客是该网站的一部分。

Considering the TYPO3 varibale, are there better options?If not which one is better? 考虑到TYPO3 varibale,是否有更好的选择?

If you use the extension realurl you will get urls like example.com/contact/, example.com/whatever/ so it would be easy to create a subfolder "example.com/blog/" where you install wordpress to. 如果您使用扩展名realurl ,则会获得诸如example.com/contact/、example.com/whatever/之类的url,因此可以很容易地在其中安装wordpress的子文件夹“ example.com/blog/”创建。

It is then only a matter of templating. 这只是模板问题。 I think the iframe thing is not helpful and more confusing. 我认为iframe并没有帮助,更令人困惑。

Btw.: you can import via RSS the blog news as tt_news records in TYPO3 (fe via yafi ). 顺便说一句:您可以通过RSS将博客新闻作为TY_3中的tt_news记录导入(通过yafi进行 )。 So you can teaser your blog posts on your website. 因此,您可以在网站上挑逗博客文章。

iframe approach isn't good that will be a prosthesis solution . iframe方法不好,不能成为prosthesis solution On the other hand each blog is specialized application and even dedicated blog extensions for TYPO3 grabs almost whole instance very rapaciously. 另一方面,每个博客都是专门的应用程序,甚至TYPO3的专用博客扩展都非常贪婪地捕获了几乎整个实例。 Must to say that TYPO3's extension are not good solution nowaday. 必须说TYPO3的扩展不是当今的好解决方案。

In such situation creating blog with dedicated subdomain or subfolder and operating it with WP backend is best option for this task. 在这种情况下,创建具有专用subdomainsubfolder博客并使用WP后端对其进行操作是此任务的最佳选择。

Although TYPO3 is very good for many different tasks nobody said that has to do everything and I'm deeply believe that WP will be always better for blogging part. 尽管TYPO3非常适合执行许多不同的任务,但没有人说必须做所有事情,而且我深信WP对于博客部分总是会更好。

Also nobody said that blog section has to be identical with CMS part. 也没有人说博客部分必须与CMS部分相同。 It will be enough if you'll use coherent design for both parts. 如果两个部分都使用coherent design就足够了。

I implemented the side by side version twice. 我两次实施了并行版本。

I finished one last week: blog.betreibungsschalter-plus.ch and www.betreibungsschalter-plus.ch. 我上周完成了一个:blog.betreibungsschalter-plus.ch和www.betreibungsschalter-plus.ch。 ( betreibungsschalter-plus.ch/blog was not possible, because the admin of the page was not able to configure apache that way, but it should work to) (betreibungsschalter-plus.ch/blog是不可能的,因为该页面的管理员无法以这种方式配置apache,但是应该可以)

Using TYPO3 as a blog is not recommended by me: the extensions are quite limited an you need several extension to come near wordpress features. 我不建议将TYPO3用作博客:扩展名非常有限,您需要几个扩展名才能接近wordpress功能。

Downside of the side by side solution is that you have to double the navigation: If you change the navigation on the TYPO3 side you have to change it to on the wordpress side manually. 并行解决方案的缺点是您必须将导航翻倍:如果您在TYPO3一侧更改了导航,则必须手动将其更改为在wordpress一侧。 (Or you hack wordpress to load the navigation from a TYPO3 Page) (或者,您通过入侵WordPress从TYPO3页面加载导航)

First of all, I would rather recommend not to use two systems (Wordpress and typo3), because integrating WP into typo3 will always be not optimal. 首先,我宁愿不要使用两个系统(Wordpress和typo3),因为将WP集成到typo3中始终不是最佳选择。 It'd be better to set-up the blog in typo3 right away, using an extension such as T3BLOG . 最好使用诸如T3BLOG的扩展名立即在typo3中设置博客。

However, if you're stuck with two systems I see three ways how you can integrate your WP blog into a typo3 site 但是,如果您使用两个系统,我会看到三种将WP博客集成到typo3网站的方法

  1. iFrame - as you mentioned. iFrame-如您所述。 Not very recommended 不太推荐
  2. RSS - Probaby the easierst solution. RSS-推荐最简单的解决方案。 You simply configure WP to render you an RSS feed and then either import those entries into tt_news. 您只需配置WP即可呈现RSS提要,然后将这些条目导入tt_news。 Alternatively, you can simply display the RSS feed on your site right away, using an extension such as rss_display . 另外,您可以使用扩展名(例如rss_display)直接在您的站点上立即显示RSS feed。
  3. The last option is to directly include the HTML output of Wordpress into your site. 最后一个选择是将Wordpress的HTML输出直接包含到您的站点中。 One way to do this is using the fetchURL typo3 extension. 一种方法是使用fetchURL typo3扩展名。 You however need to be cautious that this does not mess up your HTML markup. 但是,您需要谨慎操作,以免混淆HTML标记。 In addition, I don't know if functions like commenting in WP will still work. 另外,我不知道WP中的诸如注释之类的功能是否仍然有效。 But surely worth a try! 但是肯定值得一试!

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