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[英]How can I use non-standard namespaces with SyndicationFeed?

Good day. 美好的一天。 First, let me warn you: My knowledge of XML is basic, so I may have found the correct answer in my research and just not understood how to apply it. 首先,让我警告您:我对XML的了解是基础知识,因此我可能在研究中找到正确的答案,只是不了解如何应用它。

I currently have some C# code that reads a National Weather Service XML file and looks for text in an element to decide whether or not there is a weather alert. 我目前有一些C#代码,可读取国家气象局XML文件并在元素中查找文本以决定是否有天气警报。 That works, but I'd much rather test for the existence of another element and then use its text to write the alert out to a web page. 那行得通,但是我宁愿测试另一个元素的存在,然后使用它的文本将警报写到网页上。 An example of an XML file with a warning is here: http://www.co.frederick.va.us/dev/scrapewarning.xml . 带有警告的XML文件的示例在此处: http : //www.co.frederick.va.us/dev/scrapewarning.xml I want to test for the existence of <cap:event> and then use its text to fill a literal on a web page. 我想测试<cap:event>的存在,然后使用其文本填充网页上的文字。

Here's what I'm doing now: 下面是我现在在做什么:

// Create an instance of XmlReader with the warning feed and then load it into a SyndicationFeed.
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(strWarningFeed);
SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);

// Read through the XML, pull out the items we need depending on whether or not there is a warning.
foreach (var str in feed.Items)
    if (str.Title.Text.Contains("no active"))
        weatherWarning.Visible = false;
        string strTitle = str.Title.Text;
        string strId = str.Id.ToString();
        strTitle = strTitle.Substring(0, strTitle.LastIndexOf("issued"));
        litOut.Text += String.Format("<p class=\"warningText\">{0}</p><p class=\"warningText\"><a href=\"{1}\">Read more.</a></p>", strTitle, strId);

So, instead of seeing it the title contains "no active", I'd rather ask if the document has an element called <cap:event> and then use its text. 因此,与其查看标题是否包含“ no active”,不如询问文档是否包含名为<cap:event>的元素,然后使用其文本。 Pseduocode: 伪码:

foreach (var str in feed.Items)
    if (<cap:event> doesn't exist)
        weatherWarning.Visible = false;
        string strTitle = <cap:event>.Text;

Let me know if you need more info. 让我知道您是否需要更多信息。 Thanks in advance for help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

Something like checking for the existence of (and therefore any existing values) is a lot easier with linq to xml. 使用linq to xml,诸如检查是否存在(以及是否存在任何现有值)之类的操作要容易得多。 If you load the xml into an XDocument you can then use the goodness of linq to query elements and descendants. 如果将xml加载到XDocument中,则可以使用linq的优点来查询元素和后代。 Without being in front of an IDE or able to have a very close look at that sample xml, something like doc.Descendants("weather").Where(e => e.Element("event") == "whatever"). 无需在IDE面前或不能非常仔细地查看该示例xml,就像doc.Descendants(“ weather”)。Where(e => e.Element(“ event”)==“ whatever”) 。

I believe you are missing a namespace manager. 我相信您缺少名称空间管理器。 Here is how the code would work with XmlDocument: 这是代码与XmlDocument一起工作的方式:

        var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        var nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
        nsm.AddNamespace("s", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
        nsm.AddNamespace("cap", "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1");
        var nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//s:entry[cap:event]", nsm);

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