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JS Regex只允许数字,分号和连字符

[英]JS Regex to allow only numbers, semicolon and hyphen

I am building an application which should accept strings only with the following formats: 我正在构建一个应该只接受以下格式的字符串的应用程序:

  1. 12345 (only a number) 12345(只有一个数字)
  2. 12345;23456 (two or more numbers separated by ;) 12345; 23456(两个或多个数字分隔;)
  3. 12345-12367 (a range of numbers separated by a -) 12345-12367(由 - 分隔的一系列数字)

The java script regex should allow only the above formats & shouldn't accept any other formats or symbols . java脚本正则表达式应该只允许上述格式,不应接受任何其他格式或符号。 Can anyone come up with a regex for this? 任何人都可以为此提出正则表达式吗?

This is the RegExp that you need: /^\\d+((;\\d+)*|-\\d+)?$/ 这是你需要的RegExp: /^\\d+((;\\d+)*|-\\d+)?$/

(;\\d+)* will check for multiple numbers separated by ";" (;\\d+)*将检查由“;”分隔的多个数字

-\\d+ will check for a range -\\d+将检查范围

Try 尝试


That should work 这应该工作

[0-9]+ matches 1 or more digits [;-] matches a ; [0-9]+匹配1个或多个数字[; - ]匹配a ; or a - 或者-

(...)? is an optional match 是可选的匹配

^ anchors the start and $ anchors the end of the string ^锚定开始, $锚定字符串的结尾

Assuming that the number portions you are looking for are 5 digits each time, the following should match what you want. 假设您要查找的数字部分每次都是5位数,则以下内容应与您想要的匹配。


If you need different lengths, you can update the {5} with either another fixed length or a range such as {3,5} for a string of 3 to 5 digits. 如果您需要不同的长度,您可以使用另一个固定长度更新{5}或使用{3,5}等范围更新3到5位数的字符串。 If you want to be able to capture more than two numbers with the speperators listed, you can use 如果您希望能够使用列出的拼写器捕获两个以上的数字,则可以使用


^[0-9-;]{0,50}$ ^ [0-9 - ;] {0,50} $

0-9 only accept numbers 0-9只接受数字

-; - ; allow only - and ; 只允许 - 和;

{0,50} allow only 50 chars {0,50}只允许50个字符

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