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[英]How to see which element was clicked first?

I have a selection menu using toggleClass(). 我有一个使用toggleClass().的选择菜单toggleClass(). to see which menu options were selected: 查看选择了哪些菜单选项:

$('.img1, .img2, .text1, .tex2').click(function() {

The way my selection menu works is that if two elements have the class selected then something will happen. 我的选择菜单的工作方式是,如果两个元素具有类selected ,然后会有些事情发生。 For example: 例如:

if ( $('.img1').hasClass('selected') && ('.text1').hasClass('selected') ) {
    // do something

This all works perfectly however I want to disable the user from picking two imgs or two texts . 这一切都很好,但是我想禁止用户选择两个imgs或两个texts The way I want to do this is just have the first selected element be removed from the selected class and the second selected element stay selected. 我要这样做的方法是将第一个选定的元素从选定的类中删除,而第二个选定的元素保持选中状态。 For example: 例如:

if ( $('.img1').hasClass('selected') && ('.img2').hasClass('selected') ) {
        // remove selected from the element that was first clicked and keep selected on the element that was clicked second

What would be the best way of achieving this? 实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Try: 尝试:

$('.img1, .img2').click(function() {
    $('.img1, .img2').removeClass('selected').filter(this).toggleClass('selected');
$('.text1, .text2').click(function() {
     $('.text1, .text2').removeClass('selected').filter(this).toggleClass('selected');

Separating your click events will ensure only one of each type of item is selected. 分开您的点击事件将确保仅选择每种类型的项目之一。

Also, make sure you aren't doing $('this') . 另外,请确保您没有做$('this')

It should be $(this) . 应该是$(this)

This will add the class name "first" to the first item that is clicked. 这会将类名“ first”添加到被单击的第一项。 The rest is up to you. 其余的取决于您。

$('.img1, .img2, .text1, .tex2').click(function() {
    if($('.first').length==0) {

perhaps if you had an array that kept track of the id of the clicked items, you could use that: 也许如果您有一个跟踪点击项ID的数组,则可以使用该数组:

var clickArr = new Array();
$('.img1, .img2, .text1, .tex2').click(function()

then, when you find a spot where both are selected: 然后,当您找到一个同时选择了两个地点的地点时:

if ( $('.img1').hasClass('selected') && ('.img2').hasClass('selected') )

This could be tricky because you will have to empty the array every time you "process a selection" that is valid. 这可能很棘手,因为每次“处理选择”有效时,您都必须清空数组。 But maybe this can get you started. 但这也许可以帮助您入门。

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