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[英]how to hide the cursor in my GTK Application (written in C)

I'm trying to create a fullscreen application that will hide the cursor to display a video file. 我正在尝试创建一个全屏应用程序,它将隐藏光标以显示视频文件。 Currently, everything is working fine except the ability to hide the cursor (It's obnoxious having a cursor stuck over the video and makes for poor presentation). 目前,一切都工作正常,除了隐藏光标的能力(这是令人讨厌的光标卡在视频上,导致演示不佳)。

My project is written in C, not C++, and is using the GTK+-3.0 library as well as WebKitGtk. 我的项目是用C语言编写的,而不是C ++,并且使用的是GTK + -3.0库以及WebKitGtk。 If anyone could be of assistance with hiding the cursor (I'd assume this is really simple, but maybe I'm undercutting it). 如果有人可以帮助隐藏光标(我认为这很简单,但也许我正在削弱它)。 Lastly, this is being ran and compiled on Ubuntu 12.04. 最后,这是在Ubuntu 12.04上运行和编译的。

So is there a way to hide this annoying cursor? 那么有没有办法隐藏这个烦人的光标?


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