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如何在jQuery中使用php json_encoded数组

[英]How to use php json_encoded array in jQuery

In my php code, I have 在我的PHP代码中,我有

      $test = json_encode($array);//$array is a valid multidimensional array

I am passing this variable to a javascript function and I am trying to set this variable to javascript. 我将此变量传递给javascript函数,并且试图将此变量设置为javascript。

     var test = "<?php echo $test;?>";

(To clarify I am using codeigniter framework and for simplicity I did not use how I am sending the variable to the page) (为澄清起见,我使用的是codeigniter框架,为简单起见,我没有使用将变量发送到页面的方式)

But when I execute the above code, I am getting 但是当我执行上面的代码时,我得到

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

I have checked all my syntax. 我已经检查了所有语法。

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Don't put the decoded json array inside double quotes in the javascript. 不要将已解码的json数组放在javascript中的双引号中。 Change to this. 改成这个。

var test = <?php echo $test;?>;

It's not required to wrap the output of json_encode in quotes, otherwise it will be interpreted as a string. 不需要将json_encode的输出用引号引起来,否则它将被解释为字符串。 At which point you'll need to decode it within JavaScript. 此时,您需要在JavaScript中对其进行解码。

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