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[英]Control program from command line arguments

How do I pick the methods in my program to run using command line arguments? 如何选择程序中的方法以使用命令行参数运行? For example, if I want my program to process an image called Moon.jpg, how do I make it work so that -S Moon.jpg in the command line would invoke the Scale method? 例如,如果我希望我的程序处理名为Moon.jpg的图像,如何使它工作,以便命令行中的-S Moon.jpg可以调用Scale方法? Or -HI Moon.jpg would flip the image Horizontally and Invert it? 或-HI Moon.jpg会水平翻转图像并将其反转? I have some methods written and they work when I run the program normally. 我写了一些方法,当我正常运行程序时它们可以工作。

http://commons.apache.org/cli/ http://commons.apache.org/cli/

This should help. 这应该有所帮助。 and here's how to use it: http://commons.apache.org/cli/usage.html 以及使用方法: http : //commons.apache.org/cli/usage.html

You can parse arguments with a function like this: 您可以使用以下函数解析参数:

private void parseArguments(String[] args)
    int i = 0;
    String curArg;

    while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-"))
      curArg = args[i++];

      if ("-S".compareTo(curArg) == 0)
        if (i < args.length)
            String image = args[i++];
          // ERROR

Your main method should always have String[] args which contains arguments split on the space character. 您的main方法应始终具有String [] args,其中包含在空格字符上分割的参数。 There are also plenty of libraries you can use to parse command line arguments. 您还可以使用许多库来解析命令行参数。 This method is quite similar to what the Apaches CLI library uses (Of course there's a lot more that comes with that library but the parser uses this logic). 此方法与Apaches CLI库使用的方法非常相似(当然,该库附带了很多东西,但解析器使用此逻辑)。

您可能需要针对每种目的编写不同的方法,并根据命令输入设置if / else条件。

why not read the arguments passed and read subsequent value to do the required stuff ie, 为什么不读取传递的参数并读取后续值以执行所需的操作,即,

java yourprogram -a1 something -a2 somethingelse java yourprogram -a1东西-a2东西

and in your program 在你的程序中

public static void main(String[] args){
 for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
  switch(args[i]){//you can use if-else to deal with string...
  case "-a1":read args[i+1] to get value to do somethng
  case "-a2": read args[i+1] to get value to do something else

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