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[英]Latest date in Linq to sql

Say I have a table named Storage with records this kind 假设我有一个名为Storage的表,其中包含此类记录

Item_Id      |  Date            |   Price
1            |  01/01/2011      |   50
1            |  03/26/2012      |   25  
2            |  04/21/2012      |   20
3            |  08/02/2012      |   15
3            |  09/02/2012      |   13
4            |  10/02/2012      |   18

I would like to get the Item_Id with the latest Date associated to it (in this case it would be then "4") using linq to sql. 我想使用linq to sql获取Item_Id,其中包含与之关联的最新日期(在本例中,它将是“4”)。

I'm using this expression 我正在使用这个表达式

var lastDate= Storage
                    .GroupBy(s => s.Item_Id)
                    .Select(grp => new {
                      LastDate = grp.OrderByDescending(
                             x => x.Date).First()

and I'm getting a list with the latest date for each item_Id. 我得到一个列表,其中包含每个item_Id的最新日期。 So the next step would be to get the highest of all of them, but I'm stuck there. 因此,下一步将是获得所有这些中最高的,但我被困在那里。

Actually, eventually I'd need to skip some of the Item_Id's in the query but I guess I'll be able to add a where before the Select, something like Where(s => s.Item.Id {and here an expression that checks if it's inside the list I pass). 实际上,最终我需要跳过查询中的一些Item_Id,但我想我能够在Select之前添加一个where,类似于Where(s => s.Item.Id {和这里的一个表达式检查它是否在我通过的列表中。

I'd appreciate any hint, 我很欣赏任何提示,

Thanks 谢谢


var highestDateID = Storage.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).Select(x => x.Item_Id).FirstOrDefault();

Why not 为什么不

var lastDateId = Storage
  .GroupBy(s => s.Item_Id)   
  .Select(grp => new { Id = grp.Key, LastDate = grp.Max(x=>x.Date) })

or even 甚至

var lastDateId = Storage.OrderByDescending(o=>o.LastDate).Take(1).Id;

and if you need a full record 如果你需要一个完整的记录

var record = Storage
  .Where(w=>w.Id == Storage.OrderByDescending(o=>o.LastDate).Take(1).Id)

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